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Krzysztof Rutkowski may go to prison. He had a suspended sentence

  • The woman unlawfully detained by Krzysztof Rutkowski spent five days in the hospital
  • The reason for the detention was allegedly cheating a woman. She herself says it’s slander
  • Rutkowski contacted the woman’s attorney regarding the amicable settlement of the matter. With no effect
  • A former detective in 2017 has already been sentenced to a suspended prison sentence for unlawful detective activity

Information about indictment against Krzysztof Rutkowski Tomasz Szczepaniak from the District Prosecutor’s Office in Łódź reported: “The Łódź Polesie District Prosecutor’s Office filed an indictment with the court against Krzysztof R. for an act under Art. 46 sec. 2 of the Act on Detective Services. Specifically, to conduct detective activity without the required license, which is punishable by imprisonment of up to two years ”.

The indictment concerns the incident of April 26, 2019. That day Krzysztof Rutkowski he detained Wioletta J., a resident of Łódź, although he did not have a detective license, which was revoked by the Ministry of Interior and Administration in 2010. As we learned from the injured woman, as a result of Rutkowski’s action, she spent five days in the hospital.

“I was just approaching my house,” the woman told us. – My younger 14-year-old son was in my car. Two cars with three men in it cut our way. Krzysztof Rutkowski jumped out of one of them, opened my door, started to yank me and pull me out of the car. He said: “I’m detective Rutkowski, you’re in detention!” I was scared because I had a child in the car. I couldn’t get out of the car – he reports.

– Already in the car my pressure started to increase rapidly. I have bronchial asthma and multiple comorbidities, so I called an ambulance. When she arrived, paramedics took me to the ambulance and took my blood pressure: it was 250 over 130 so it was very high. Krzysztof Rutkowski he came there and tried to take me over again, but the doctor told him to leave because of the threat to his life. They took me to the hospital, from where I was discharged only after five days – tells the victim Onet.

After this arrest, Rutkowski explained in the press that he had carried out civic apprehension. However, according to Art. 243 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, such an approach consists in arresting someone “in the act of committing a crime or in a pursuit undertaken immediately after committing a crime, if there is a fear of the person hiding or its identity cannot be established”. Meanwhile, Wioletta J. was detained in front of her own house.


As we found out, Rutkowski’s situation is all the more complicated as he made the arrest without the required license when he was under a suspended sentence. In 2017, a detective was convicted of unlawful detective activity in the years 2004-2006 and directing unlawful imprisonment. As the District Court in Warsaw informed, the court “sentenced the accused Krzysztof R. a total penalty of one year’s imprisonment, conditionally suspended the execution of the total sentence for a trial period of five years, and sentenced the accused to a fine of PLN 20,000. PLN “.

What does this mean for Krzysztof Rutkowski? In an interview with us, attorney Mateusz Bernat, who is Wioletta J.’s attorney in a civil case for infringement of personal rights by Rutkowski, referred to article 75 of the Penal Code, saying that “the court orders the execution of a sentence if the convicted person has committed a similar intentional crime during the trial period for which a legally valid sentence of imprisonment was imposed without a conditional suspension of its execution ”.

As Wioletta J. said, “the detective personally contacted her attorney in order to settle the case amicably”. She did not agree: – Last week I sent an application to the District Court in Warsaw for the suspension of Krzysztof Rutkowski’s sentence – she emphasizes.

“1500 PLN for car repair”

Rutkowski detained Wioletta J. because she was allegedly a fraudster. According to “Dziennik Łódzki”, she was supposed to pretend to be a judge referring to influence in offices. In an interview with us, Wioletta J. called this information slander and explained what the matter of the alleged extortion was.

– The prosecutor came to the hospital for allegedly extorting money – she told us. – I gave the explanations, just like the person who accuses me of this extortion did. This person is Jarosław W. I borrowed PLN 1,500 from him to repair the car. I suspected that something was wrong, because he did not want to meet me to return the money, so I wrote to him in an SMS that we would either meet to return the money or go to the prosecutor’s office. On the same day I was attacked by Krzysztof Rutkowski. Jarosław W. himself had a criminal case in the District Court in Łódź for prosecution in extorting money and he was in custody for two and a half years. Detective Rutkowski cooperates with such people. As for my case, nothing has happened since I gave my testimony. It is suspended. This is the only case against me.

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