Home » today » News » Kruszewo. He entered the store and stole 30,000. PLN. The Piła police are looking for the perpetrator

Kruszewo. He entered the store and stole 30,000. PLN. The Piła police are looking for the perpetrator

The incident took place last Friday, August 14. The man whose photos she posted Police, entered a store in Kruszewo and, using the right moment, got to the back room, from where he took about 30,000. PLN in cash. Perpetrator theft he left the store, got into a white BMW passenger car and drove away from the scene. He was accompanied by a young woman. The pair has also been seen in other small stores in nearby towns.

The policemen from Piła are asking for help in identifying the perpetrator of the theft

The police published the image of the perpetrator, counting on help in establishing the man’s identity.

“Any information that may contribute to the identification of the perpetrator, please contact: Poviat Police Headquarters in Pile, tel. 47 77 41 560 or 47 77 41 444, e-mail address: dyzurny.pila@po.Police.gov.pl, Police Station in Ujście, tel. 47 77 41 880, emergency number 112 “- we read in the message Piła police.

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