Home » today » Business » KRRiT again teeth blades on TVN7? “The license may be revoked”. The member of the Council indicates the paragraph

KRRiT again teeth blades on TVN7? “The license may be revoked”. The member of the Council indicates the paragraph

WarnerMedia and Disovery, an American company that includes, among others TVN24 and TVN7 stations confirmed the merger on Monday. Almost a year has passed since the announcement of the concentration, so it is not a surprise. It turns out, however, that it can have serious consequences for Polish media market.

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TVN7 will lose its concessions? “Maybe”

The merger may become a pretext to withdraw TVN7’s license. It is already certain that today KRRiT he will look at the situation of the station again. – Immediately after the official announcements of the upcoming merger, the National Broadcasting Council declared that it would take steps to thoroughly examine the impact of this transaction on the Polish media market. Such an analysis will be carried out by the authority – explains Teresa Brykczyńska, spokeswoman for the National Broadcasting Council in an interview with Wirtualnemedia.pl.

Prof. Janusz Kawecki, the only member of the council who voted against the extension of the license in February this year, is already citing the relevant paragraphs. – The situation may be appropriate to that described, for example, in Art. 38 sec. 2 points 4 – explains quoted by Virtual Media. Pursuant to this provision, the license may be revoked. One reason could be “someone else taking direct or indirect control of the broadcaster’s activities”.

Officially, however, the owner of TVN7 has not yet announced the merger, so the official machine has not yet started. It is also too early to state unequivocally whether the proceedings of the National Broadcasting Council will end with the withdrawal of the license and when this may happen.

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TVN waited a year for a decision

The National Broadcasting Council in mid-February extended its terrestrial broadcasting license for TVN7. Application on this matter had been filed over a year earlier.

The National Broadcasting Council made the decision, but this does not mean that she was “happy”. – The spokeswoman informed that Andrzej Sabatowski voted in favor of extending the license. – He still has mixed feelings – said Brykczyńska. Janusz Kawecki, associated with the environment, was against it Tadeusz Rydzykauthor of programs in “Telewizja Trwam” and “Radio Maryja”.

The first of the men issued a statement for the Polish Press Agency. “Last day’s consultations and talks, relating in particular to the current international conditions, resulted in despite significant legal reservations, which undoubtedly need to be put in order, that I have changed my position on the new license for TVN7 “- he wrote. It is possible that legal doubts surrounding TVN7 will return.

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