Home » today » World » Kronfle closes session without voting on reforms to the COIP – 2024-02-27 01:17:42

Kronfle closes session without voting on reforms to the COIP – 2024-02-27 01:17:42

Ecuador, February 22, 2024.- Quorum confirmation. Henry Kronfle Kozhaya, President of the National Assembly. Photo Iván Matute / National Assembly

The president of the National Assembly, Henry Kronflehas suspended the session due to lack of quorum, without the proposed reforms to the Comprehensive Penal Code being voted onamong which was one that allowed a new cause for extraordinary review of final sentences.

Kronfle has said that if a new vote is not called within sixty days, these will go to the archive.

During the debate, the Construye bench insisted on shelving the project and writing a new proposal, which in addition to excluding the reforms promoted by Correismo, also excludes the topics related to the questions proposed by President Daniel Noboa within his call for consultation. popular, with the argument of not invalidating the referendum.

After the debate, the motion of Correismo assemblyman Fernando Cedeño, to divide the project into two blocks, distributing the reforms they sought in both blocksdid not obtain the votes of the Assembly.

Correístas and government leave the session

Then, Kronfle ordered that a second motion be read, presented by assembly member María Fernanda Araujo, from the ruling party, and vice president of the Justice Commission, in which it was proposed that the vote on the reforms be carried out in four parts: one which contained an increase in penalties; which introduced the new cause to review final sentences (prompted by Correismo); another that created new criminal types; and finally, another related to the popular consultation raised by Noboa.

Once the motion was read, the Correismo assembly members first, and then those of the government, abandoned the session and left it without a quorum. And Kronfle closed it.

Ecuador, February 22, 2024.- Know and resolve the report for the second debate of the Draft Organic Law Reforming the Comprehensive Organic Penal Code. The assembly member, Pierina Correa, intervenes. Photo Iván Matute / National Assembly

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