Outgoing Schibsted CEO Kristin Skogen Lund will be the new chairman of the Norwegian Refugee Council.
In February, Kristin Skogen Lund announced that she is stepping down as CEO of Schibsted. Now she will be chairman of the Nordics’ largest humanitarian organisation, the Norwegian Refugee Council. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTBPublished:
Less than 40 minutes ago
Updated less than 20 minutes ago
– I visited the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya in 2016 as an ambassador for the Norwegian Refugee Council and was very impressed by the organisation. Since then, the need for aid to refugees around the world has only increased. It is therefore felt to be very meaningful to be allowed to lead the board and support the important work going forward, says Skogen Lund in a press release.
She has previously held a number of top positions, including as managing director of Næringslivets Hovedorganisation and managing director of Aftenposten.
In February, she announced that she is stepping down as CEO of Schibsted, but that she will stay on until the company finds a new manager.
Skogen Lund has held positions in several international organisations, including as a member of the International Climate Commission and the ILO Commission on the future of working life.
– We are very happy to have a chairman with such broad and varied management experience from central organizations and internationally oriented companies, says NRC Secretary General Jan Egeland.
Skogen Lund takes over the role of chairman of the board after Harald Norvik, who has held the position since 2017.
2024-03-14 07:03:04
#Kristin #Skogen #Lund #chairperson #Norwegian #Refugee #Council