From the creators of the sitcom Nobodies and the animated series about the famous boxer Mike Tyson Mysteries, Rachel Ramras, Hugh Davidson and Larry Dorf, comes the upcoming eight-part series The Woman In The House for the online platform Netflix.
The series, which will oscillate on the border of thriller and black comedy, will be in a similar vein to the mysterious film Girl on the Train. Bell will play Anna, who has been shaken by a painful breakup and for whom every day is like the previous one. She kills time alone by drinking wine and watching the outside world from the window of her apartment. She is awakened from lethargy by a handsome neighbor who moves into the house opposite, as well as by the horrific murder he witnesses.
The actress played dozens of film and television roles, and was nominated for a Golden Globe for her central role in the comedy series A Good Place in the Afterlife.