Home » World » Krista Kiuru got angry at Pelttar’s actions – 2024-09-12 10:16:11

Krista Kiuru got angry at Pelttar’s actions – 2024-09-12 10:16:11

Krista Kiuru (sd) emphasizes that in the committee, representatives of all parties except Liike Nytti were deciding on the committee council. Now the decision is made by the majority of the coalition and basic Finns.

The chairperson of the social and health committee of the Parliament, Krista Kiuru (sd), criticizes that Antti Pelttari, the Secretary General of the Parliament, is overriding the committee’s decision. Jenni Host

Chairman of the Social and Health Committee Krista Kiuru (sd) finds it inconceivable that the parliamentary chancellery committee can decide on the committee advice of the social and health committee solely by the secretary general Antti Pelttarin based on vision.

– I feel really great sympathy for the kind of situation that has resulted in the appointment of the committee advisor. The chancellery committee has to take a position without knowing more about the committee’s circumstances than the applicants.

At its meeting at the end of June, the Social and Health Committee decided to nominate a new committee advisor Ismo Tuomi by a vote of 9–8. Tuomi was supported in the committee by opposition MPs and Christian Democrats from the government parties Päivi Räsänen.

According to information from Iltalehti, the general secretary of the parliament Antti Pelttari has, however, made a proposal to today’s meeting of the parliamentary chancellery committee that the chancellery committee would choose Tuominen instead Pirjo Kainulainen.

“The committee did a careful job”

In addition to Kiuru, for example, a member of parliament from the left-wing coalition Aino-Kaisa Pekonen has criticized the fact that Secretary General Pelttari is walking over the committee’s decision because of “the coalition’s wish”. Speaker Jussi Halla-aho (ps), on the other hand, commented that the decision in the case is made by the chancellery committee, not the committee or the secretary general.

The chancellery committee includes the speaker of the parliament Jussi Halla-aho (ps) and vice-presidents Paula Risikko (cock) me Tarja Filatov (sd) and four MPs. The chancellery committee is made up of members of parliament Kim Berg (sd), Jari Ronkainen (ps), Eerikki Viljanen (center) and Sinuhe Wallinheimo (kok).

The Secretary-General prepares matters for the Chancellery Committee.

Kiuru says that the social and health committee did a very careful job in the recruitment process and strictly followed the laws and good job preparation. According to Kiuru, the committee wanted recruitment that would inspire confidence in the eyes of both applicants and citizens.

– Merit comparison and experience of the applicants became particularly important.

Now the coalition and PS decide

The committee’s three members of the committee council, one of whom was retiring, Kiuru and the vice-chairman of the committee Mia Laiho (cok) decided to nominate two candidates, i.e. Tuomi and Kainulai, so that the whole committee could interview them and then vote.

Kiuru emphasizes that the decision was made in the committee by the representatives of all parliamentary parties (except Liike Nyti) according to the parliamentary size.

– From the point of view of parliamentarism, I consider it disastrous that the secretary general does not take into account the will of the majority of the committee. In the chancellery committee, the majority is formed solely by the actions of basic Finns and the coalition.

According to Kiuru, not all parties get to decide, but two parties get to “run” through a motion that goes against the decision made by all parties.

– Are all the parties ready to abandon the principle of parliamentarism, in which decisions are made among all groups and then they commit to the will of the majority and give the people’s power into the hands of officials so that only the two-party majority gets to say the last word?

Kiuru is afraid that the recruitment process might look outwardly discriminatory.

There’s already a buzz in the summer

Kiuru knew how to wait for the general secretary of the parliament Antti Pelttari intervenes in the selection of the committee adviser of the social and health committee. This is because, according to Kiuru, the coalition already criticized the committee’s June decision to present Tuomis in public.

– Hints were already heard during the summer that the committee’s decision was going to be torn apart in the chancellery committee.

Krista Kiuru told at the end of last year whether she is a difficult negotiator. Pete Anikari

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