Teaser image source: PD
The Kriens city council wants to move forward with a roof on the A2 bypass motorway. He has applied to parliament for a special loan of 640,000 francs for the development of a project, as the municipality announced on Saturday.
Those: PD
visualization; The planned bypass portal in the Grosshof/Sonnenberg area in Kriens.
The federal government is planning a bypass or a new motorway section for transit traffic in Lucerne. The so-called bypass will lead through a 3.5 kilometer long tunnel between Ibach in the north of Lucerne and Kriens in the south. The current motorway is to be converted into a city motorway.
In Kriens, the 1.8 billion franc project initially sparked widespread resistance because the motorway between the bypass tunnel portal in Grosshof and the existing Schlund tunnel on the A2 would run openly through the residential area over a stretch of around one kilometer.
City of Kriens wants motorway roofing
The city of Kriens is committed to ensuring that this section is reconsidered. The city and around 90 private individuals, organizations and authorities had lodged an objection pointing out weak points in the project and demanding improvements, the municipality announced on Saturday.
Kriens does not want to fight the bypass project itself, but rather “achieve a better solution to the negative effects of the motorway on the settlement area” with a possible roof, it said.
In 2021, the federal government, the canton and the city of Kriens agreed to examine the question of roofing and thus an upgrading of the settlement area in a separate procedure. The final report on the highway test planning is to be presented on January 12, 2024.
Special loan for project development
In this context, the city council is already submitting a special loan of 640,000 francs to the city parliament. According to the announcement, the money will be used to develop a concrete project from the visions of test planning.
The federal government and the canton would contribute the same amount. “This is a good sign that we were able to develop a constructive atmosphere for discussion in which Kriens is not a supplicant, but an equal project partner,” Mayor Christine Kaufmann-Wolf was quoted as saying.
The next step in the process is expected to take place in 2024 and 2025. In-depth studies will show what structural measures are needed on the motorway and adjacent to it. Planning law issues, costs and financing should be clarified. (pb/mgt/sda)
2023-12-18 08:06:04
#Bypass #Lucerne #City #Kriens #applies #loan #roofing #project #Construction #sheet