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Kremlin supporters in the political leadership of Latvia

Otto Ozols · 30.09.2024. · Comments (0)

Latvia’s security services, law enforcement institutions, as well as the highest political leadership actually support the criminal regime of Russia, its brutal war against Ukraine. This is evidenced by investigative journalism based on accurate facts. I am attaching excerpts from those studies in Russian and English that confirm the above allegations. I also translate into Latvian.

Those responsible for national security – starting with the National Security Commission of the Saeima, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the State Security Service – had every opportunity to undermine the illegal schemes that help Russia successfully evaded sanctions, but they did not. therefore.

It would be very important to find out – why and who exactly is responsible for the failure? I remind you that we are talking about real terrorist support on an extremely large scale. That’s right – no exaggeration. Politicians and security services of the Republic of Latvia support the movement of terrorist finance and war materials on a large scale.

The excerpts are taken from two articles on the research portal Russia Insider.


The first excerpt from the study reads: “Despite sanctions, Russia continues to supplement its budget with oil dollars. And one of the most important reasons is the shadow fleet. Because, Russian oil is still being transported to buyers who are ready to pay ​​above the ceiling set by the sanctions ($60 per barrel). As “The Insider” found out, one of the biggest players in this scheme was Latvian citizen Aleksejs Haļavins: two companies connected to him bought oil from “Surgutneftjegaz” at a price that is higher than the ceiling, which has already given the Russian corporation more than 1.4 billion dollars.”

The second clip is about how Russia successfully continues to evade sanctions and finance its criminal war, namely by killing Ukrainians. And cash flows have increased dramatically. As we can see from the previous quote – with the active participation of a Latvian citizen: “Russia’s budget income from oil and gas, despite the sanctions, was 56% higher in January-August than in those months last year. A fleet of shadow tankers allows trade to exceed price ceilings, and the Kremlin still has plenty of cash to continue the war.”

The third fragment: did Latvia have the opportunity, if not to ban, then to severely limit the activities of our citizens – to cooperate and support a terrorist regime and war crimes on a very impressive scale? We are talking about 1.4 billion more provided for the needs of Kremlin terrorists! Yes, our security and law enforcement agencies had legal options to target a Kremlin supporter. However, this was not done. Investigative journalists back it up with facts (third section):

“The norms and legal mechanisms that apply in Western countries are enough to punish the citizens of democratic countries that help to overcome embargo and trade sanctions. That is, Article 84 of the Criminal Code of Latvia provides for criminal liability for evading sanctions imposed by the state or international organizations. At the same time, Article 4 provides for the responsibility of citizens of Latvia, even if the crime was committed outside the country’s borders.”

The security services of Latvia have repeatedly failed to notice this massive terrorist support scheme and have not used the legal opportunity to take action against the culprit – a citizen of Latvia. I remind you that this is not the first or second scandal of this magnitude. This is the very basis for talking about systemic “seeing, not noticing.”

Latvia is a parliamentary country – therefore, the highest political responsibility in this matter rests with the National Security Commission of the Saeima, whose direct duties include the management of the security services. It is directed by Ainars Latkovskis, producer of “Jaunas Vienotibas”.

Latvia and its citizens are once again caught in massive support of Russia’s strategic interests, a terrorist regime with the movement of raw materials, financial flows. Latvian security services did not use the opportunity to oppose these schemes and prosecute the perpetrators. So there is reason to ask if our security services, politicians responsible for national security are really doing their job – taking care of national security? From the testimonies of investigative journalists, we see that this is not done. On the other hand, they turn a blind eye to blatant criminal behavior in support of the Kremlin.

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2024-09-30 02:54:46
#Kremlin #supporters #political #leadership #Latvia

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