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Kremlin reminds Kiev how to ‘end its suffering’

The leadership of Ukraine has every opportunity to “end the suffering” of the country’s population by fulfilling Russia’s demands to resolve the conflict. This was stated by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, quoted by Reuters and TASS.

His comments came in response to a question about whether Russia was concerned about the effect on its own civilian population. attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, which caused repeated and large-scale power outages.

Peskov stressed that the “special operation” has certain goals and they are being achieved.

He was adamant Russian forces only attacked military targets, not “social” targets.

Zelensky is ready to negotiate with Russia, but on Ukrainian terms

Kiev’s firm position worked in Russia’s favor

“There have been no attacks against social objects and there won’t be any. And as for the targets related to the military potential – directly or indirectly – they must be attacked,” Peskov noted.

Russia and Ukraine held several rounds of negotiations in Belarus And Turkey at the beginning of the war, like Zelensky has repeatedly requested a personal meeting with Putin – which the Kremlin rejected.

Negotiations stalledafter the last delegation meeting, held in Istanbul in March, yielded no results.

Russia has renewed calls for talks, after starting to lose ground to the Ukrainian counter-offensive to the east and south in September. However, Zelensky rejected the possibility of talks with Putin after the Russian leader illegally declared four regions of Ukraine as Russian territory.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia: We are not giving up negotiations with Ukraine and are not against mediation

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia: We are not giving up negotiations with Ukraine and are not against mediation

Ukraine should have stopped the war

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