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Current police report: Blue light report Image: Adobe Stock / jgfoto
Krefeld customs targeting the guard and security trades / Nationwide focus test against undeclared work and illegal employment
Krefeld (ots) –
On Friday and Saturday, the Customs Financial Control Office for Clandestine Work (FKS) took action throughout Germany as part of a suspicion-free focus test against clandestine work and illegal employment in the security industry.
The focus was on all areas of responsibility in this industry, such as security activities at events and property protection.
At the main customs office in Krefeld, 40 employees from the financial control of illegal work were on the go and checked the employment relationships in the guard and security trades. As part of the priority campaign, compliance with social security obligations, illegal receipt of social benefits and illegal employment of foreigners were checked, among other things. In addition, illegal and unauthorized hiring out of workers and the examination of the minimum wage also play an important role. The measures were taken in Krefeld, Mönchengladbach and Brüggen (Viersen district) and concentrated on various events in addition to retail and refugee accommodation. In Mönchengladbach, the public order office took part in the action on its own responsibility.
The employees of the main customs office in Krefeld interviewed a total of 85 people about their employment relationships and checked business documents in twelve companies. So far, the interviews and checks have resulted in 20 cases of suspicion of withholding and misappropriation of wages and 7 cases of abuse of benefits. In ten cases there was a suspicion of other violations, such as the obligation to report immediately. The exams are now ongoing.
“It can be said that about every third person checked had doubts about the information provided and the employment situation, which must now be checked afterwards,” says Stefan Frisch, press spokesman at the main customs office in Krefeld.
Extra information:
The fight against undeclared work and illegal employment by the FKS of the customs administration makes a decisive contribution to securing the social systems and state revenue through extensive testing and investigation procedures and thus enables fair working and competitive conditions. The FKS tests are risk-oriented. Customs employees carry out random checks as well as complete checks of all employees of an employer. In sectors that are particularly affected by undeclared work, the FKS carries out regular nationwide, but also regional focus tests with an increased number of personnel throughout the year, thus ensuring a particularly high number of tests in the respective sector.
This report was sent on September 5th, 2023, 9:07 a.m. by the main customs office in Krefeld.
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