Otherwise, Diana Hilgers at the Theater Krefeld and Mönchengladbach ensures that the actors on stage are presented in the perfect light – today, on International Women’s Day, the spot is supposed to be focused on them for a moment. The 33-year-old is a lighting technician at the Mönchengladbach Theater, she lives and comes from Krefeld, was born and grew up in the city.
There may be people who initially think of the industrious technicians behind the scenes who keep the big theater “machine” running, as typically male jobs. Often one has the image of “robust” stagehands in mind – just a prejudice. However, Hilgers does not like the term “male profession” at all, as she reveals to us in an interview. “There are jobs that are suitable or not for someone,” she says – but that shouldn’t be made dependent on whether you’re a man or a woman.
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