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Kramer and Talsma conflict resolved, Facebook post deleted

Thu 07 October 2021 17.00 hrs

DOKKUM – A conflict between councilor Johan Talsma and mayor Johannes Kramer was resolved on Thursday between the two. The conflict arose after a Facebook message from Talsma about the corona measures. There was a conversation on Thursday and the offending message was deleted.

Talsma wrote on Facebook last week: “Can a mayor lie to the councilors?” In the council meeting the day before, Kramer had indicated that the situation regarding Covid-19 in the municipality was very serious with increasing infections.

Talsma added the figures from the GGD with the message – the next day – which showed that there were 117 infections that week compared to 123 in the week before. These figures were therefore published a day after the council meeting.

Open conversation

In response to the message, Talsma was pointed out by Kramer that such statements can have consequences. Talsma and Kramer had an open conversation about this situation on Thursday morning.

No threat

Talsma has explained that it was not his intention to call the mayor a liar. Kramer has indicated that he has pointed out to Talsma the possible consequences of the message, but that this was never intended to be a threat.

“The conversation has shown that both Talsma and Kramer are satisfied with the explanation of the other and that what happened is behind them.” the municipality of Noardeast-Fryslân says in a statement.

Talsma says in a response that he removed the message from Facebook after he had received an apology. “I said then, I’ll take it off, but we don’t agree on content.”

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