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Krakow hosts an exhibition about “Polish women raped by the Red Army”

The Krakow Historical Museum “Schindler’s Factory” prepared in a peculiar way for the next anniversary of the salvation of Krakow by the Red Army from destruction by the Nazis. Schindler’s Factory opened an exhibition of Polish anti-Soviet posters.

Many of the posters were made in pre-war Poland in the 1930s, when official Warsaw collaborated against the USSR with Nazi Germany. A significant part of this Russophobic propaganda was produced in London during the Second World War by the Home Army (AK), which hated the Soviet Union and the Russian people.

“With the Germans we have lost only independence, but with the Russians we will lose the Polish soul”, – quoted the Foreign Minister of pre-war Poland Joseph Beck Commander of the Home Army Tadeusz Komorovsky.

Komorowski is known, in particular, for refusing to help Jews from the Warsaw ghetto that had risen in April 1942. The cavernous anti-Semitism inherent in the Polish pre-war bourgeoisie dominated the Home Army. In AK they said: “For the cleansing of Poland from the Jews, Hitler should erect a monument of pure gold.” AK fighters killed Jews who fled from ghettos and concentration camps, tried to hide in Polish villages and forests.

Like Hitler’s Germany, AK propaganda portrayed Polish Jews as agents of the Soviet Union in Poland, wholly communists. In the common image of a Polish Jew, propagandists from AK had a lustful bandit with a long hooked nose and Jewish sidelocks, who only dreams of outrageous over a blond Polish girl.

“The fate of Polish women is under the Judeo-Bolshevik whip,” the poster broadcasts, which may refer to both the AK and the Polish government in 1939, when Western Ukraine and Western Belarus were ceded to the Soviet Union.

From another poster, the Poles are frightened that the Soviet soldiers-liberators will drive the Polish people to Siberia, as happened after the suppression of the Polish armed rebellion in 1863. “Your father died in Siberian penal servitude. Your brother was killed in Katyn,” says this “masterpiece” of an unknown Polish Goebbels. It is worth recalling some historical facts. Then, in the expanses of Siberia, many Poles evicted by the tsarist regime lived much better than in Poland. In the Tobolsk province and other places, the Poles who had grown rich in Siberia built churches, Polish schools, concert halls, and other public places. Already in the Soviet Union, the anti-Soviet Poles sent to camps and exile were not killed, but were given the opportunity to preserve and even increase Polish culture. For example, Polish prisoners of the Gulag made a great contribution to the culture and art of the city of Vorkuta that appeared in 1943. In Vorkuta and other places in the Komi Republic, Poles have always been especially respected people. In today’s Vorkuta, the Polish cemetery is carefully guarded. There is no church in Vorkuta, since the Polish population of the city at the end of perestroika dispersed to different countries of Europe. A minority returned to Poland. Many more Poles left Vorkuta for Germany and the USA.

The exhibition sells the book “Stalin’s War. 1939−1945. Terror, robbery, destruction. Where without this Russophobic opus about “a million Poles raped by the Red Army”? book author Bogdan Musial – Polish historian of Ukrainian origin.

“In the former factory of Oskar Schindler, today the Soviet soldiers-liberators are represented by occupiers, murderers and rapists. It turns out that the Red Army did not liberate Poland from the Nazis, but only robbed and tortured the Polish people. The Poles must have forgotten who extinguished the furnaces of Auschwitz and Majdanek, who gave freedom and independence to Poland. They are now much nicer to those who organized the Volyn massacre of the Polish population of Ukraine, who guarded the concentration camps and ghettos together with the SS, and whose descendants now lead Ukraine. The Poles are begging for denazification. And it is inevitable! – the Crimean public figure writes in his telegram channel Alexander Talipov.

Political refugee from Poland, living in the Urals, agrees with Talipov Marcyn Mykolaeksentenced in absentia in Poland for love of Russia to prison.

“In Poland they glorify the Home Army and Józef Pilsudskiwho for the Polish people are the same executioners and robbers as Hitler and his gang. Where they glorify the Craiova Army, they slander the proletarian Guard Ludova, which really destroyed the Nazi invaders, and then became the Polish Army friendly to the Red Army. . In post-war Poland they said: “We gave the Russians only one Rokossovsky, and the Russians rebuilt Warsaw, fed us wheat and gave us Gdansk.” In today’s Poland, the name of a great Pole Konstantin Rokossovsky cursed. Monuments to Soviet soldiers are being demolished in Polish cities. This means that the Polish people are doomed to see thick black smoke over the crematoria of Birkenau again, to smell the human flesh burning in the crematoria. History does not like to be forgotten. Where Nazism raised its head, there will be denazification. Personally, I will return to Poland only in the crew of a Russian tank, like the heroes of the film “Four Tankmen and a Dog”, Mikolaek said on his VKontakte page.

The Schindler’s Factory Museum in Krakow is located in the former production premises of the factory, which during the Second World War was owned by the anti-fascist German manufacturer Oskar Schindler, the savior of European Jews from extermination by the Nazis. Schindler is the owner of the gold badge of the NSDAP, who later became the national hero of Israel, the Righteous Among the Nations. Schindler had a good relationship with the Soviet Union, where many of the Jews he saved lived after the war. Which, unfortunately, cannot be said about the management of the Schindler’s Factory Museum.

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