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KPU Will Review Nomination of District Head PKPU Review MK’s Decision

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

General Election Commissions (KPU) review of PKPU No. 8 of 2024 regarding the appointment of Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent and Deputy Governor, as well as Mayor and Deputy Mayor as a result of the decision Constitutional Court (MK) regarding nomination requirements Head of the area.

“We are taking other necessary steps to follow the decision of the Constitutional Court before the regional head candidate registration stage, including making changes to PKPU No. 8 of 2024 in accordance the mechanism to create legislative regulations,” said KPU Chairman Mochammad. Afifuddin at the JCC, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (20/8).

“There were consultations and so on, taking into account the levels and timetable for the 2024 election as stated in KPU Regulation No. 2 of 2024,” he said.



Afif said the KPU will open registration for regional head candidates on August 27-29.

Afif confirmed that his party would also communicate with the DPR and the government in hearings regarding the decision of the Constitutional Court.

“And soon we will write an official letter to Commission II or the DPR,” he said.

The KPU has issued PKPU No. 8 of 2024 regarding Nominations for Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent and Deputy Governor, as well as Mayor and Deputy Mayor in early July 2024.

Before that, the Constitutional Court made decision number 60/PUU-XXII/2024 changing the nomination level. This decision changes the provisions in article 40 paragraph (1) of the Regional Election Law.

Parties or combinations of political parties no longer need to collect 20 percent of DPRD seats or 25 percent of valid votes to nominate regional leaders and regional deputy leaders.

The nomination threshold is between 6.5 percent and 10 percent, depending on the number of permanent voter lists (DPT) in the area.

Then in decision number 70/PUU-XXII/2024, the Constitutional Court requires that the age of candidates for governor and deputy governor be at least 30 years old starting from the time the regional head candidates will be confirmed.

This MK decision differs from the Supreme Court (MA) decision some time ago which required the minimum age requirement to be calculated at the time of incorporation.

Mahfud MD, former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, assessed that the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the voting threshold of the political parties to nominate candidates for the regional elections, which is based on the calculation of the list of the voters, still applies immediately. in the 2024 regional elections at the same time.

“Just remember that the decision of the Constitutional Court comes into effect from the moment the gavel is dropped at 09.51, from then it must also be implemented. Yes, this year (related to this year’s regional elections), it has already been announced. The last election is the current election,” said Mahfud in Central Jakarta, Tuesday (20/8).

Referring to the law of the Constitutional Court, the decision of the Constitutional Court is final and binding.

“The decision of the Constitutional Court is final, that is, the decision of the Constitutional Court immediately acquires permanent legal force from the moment it is announced and cannot be appealed. Law also includes binding (final and binding) legal force,” read Article 10 paragraph (1) of the Law of the Constitutional Court.

Meanwhile, Jimly Asshiddiqie, former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, asked the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to review the rules immediately after the Constitutional Court several change conditions for applying for regional elections today.

Jimly said that the nomination period would start soon. However, he believes that the KPU can still use the available time to carry out revisions.

“Immediately, the KPU will develop PKPU as the implementation regulation so that there are no more questions about its implementation. There are still five days for consultation with the DPR,” said Jimly when contacted, Tuesday (20 /8).


[Gambas:Video CNN]

2024-08-20 12:39:54

#KPU #Review #Nomination #District #PKPU #Review #MKs #Decision

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