Home » today » News » KPO Graz | News | That’s right: the budget of the city of Graz in the headlines

KPO Graz | News | That’s right: the budget of the city of Graz in the headlines

Robert Krotzer on media reports on the budget of the city of Graz.

A few words about today’s media reports, especially the covers of Kleiner Zeitung and Krone von Robert Krotzer.

#Yup, The Graz city government took on a difficult financial legacy from the black-blue predecessor coalition, as the graph below makes clear.

#Yup, the price increases also affect the city of Graz, as well as every other Austrian municipality, which all faces the same challenges.

#Yup, of course, the medium- and long-term budget plans of the city of Graz must be adjusted to record inflation. This is what is happening now and the new figures will be posted tomorrow.

#No, the debt in the city of Graz did not suddenly explode under a KPÖ / Greens / SP coalition.

#No, neither prestige projects, monuments nor “monetary gifts” were financed. In addition, the necessary expenses in times of crisis are aimed at ensuring services of general interest, education, expansion of public transport, childcare, assistance, Graz clubs, health care or affordable housing for the people of Graz and for support the people of Graz in extremely difficult times. Without all these measures, the social fabric of our city risks slipping.

#No, The city of Graz is not immediately threatened with insolvency, bankruptcy or government commissioner, as the head of the municipal supervision of Styria explains in today’s “Kronen Zeitung”: “Of course these concerns are serious, but I know the exact reason for this writing [des Stadtrechnungshofs; Anm.] Not. In any case we are in close contact with the city of Graz. And yes, times are difficult for many communities right now.. “

Precisely for this reason the cities and municipalities – and therefore their residents: inside! – Financial aid from the federal and state governments, which we have already reported several times. Discussions are ongoing at many levels and we hope that things move quickly, not only, but above all, in the interest of the city of Graz.


Graz’s per capita debt remained fairly stable from 2011 to 2017. The debt level jumped 35% with the previous government, under ÖVP city councilor Günter Riegler.

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