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KPK Leader Claims Not to Know and Don’t Want to Know TWK material

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)NCP) Nurul Ghufron admitted that he did not know the material in the National Insight Test (TWK) as a condition for transferring the status of KPK employees to State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

“Then there is a question, the KPK leadership does not know about the TWK material, indeed we don’t know and we don’t want to know, that is to ensure objectivity,” said Ghufron at a press conference, Thursday (27/5).

“If we go in, we lose objectivity, as if we intervened about the material and the method,” he added.

Ghufron also admitted that TWK was not regulated in Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning the KPK. But he said that TWK was legal and legal.

According to him, the status of KPK employees is ASN, regulated by article 1 number 6 of the KPK Law. To make an employee an ASN, he said, then regulated in article 69C.

Then, further technical provisions regarding the transfer of status are regulated in PP 41 of 2021 on the Transfer of KPK Employees to ASN Employees. In the rules, explained the conditions for the transfer of the status of officers.

“In Article 3 (status transfer) requires one of them, the status of KPK employees is permanent and not permanent, that is a, (point) b, loyal to Pancasila and the Republic of Indonesia, as well as the legitimate government. Then competent and with integrity,” he said.

For the requirements for permanent or non-permanent employees, he said that his party had a list including conditions related to employee competence.

“When the KPK employees enter, recruit, we have documents from third parties when recruiting, so whether they are competent or not, we still have them,” he said.

However, he said that his party did not have evidence related to the conditions for being loyal to Pancasila, the Republic of Indonesia, and the legitimate government.

To prove this, he said that the KPK did not have a way, so coordination was carried out with the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) and the Kemenpan RB.

“That TWK is legal and legal as a mechanism to ensure that KPK employees when they change their status have a legal basis,” he said.

Previously, a number of KPK employees revealed that TWK material was considered discriminatory, sexist, and too private. For example, regarding polygamy, qunut prayer, moving on, willingness to take off the hijab, to the issue of ethnic Chinese.

Members of the legal team of 75 KPK employees, Asfinawati, considered that such questions constituted a violation of human rights.

Professor of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FH UGM) Sigit Riyanto also suspects that TWK is a repetition of special research practices (litsus) carried out in the New Order era to get rid of certain parties.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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