Jakarta –
KPK conducted an investigation at the premises of the DPR General Secretariat in connection with an investigation into an alleged corruption case regarding the supply of goods and services at the residences of DPR RI members. One of those inspected was the office of the General Secretary of the DPR, Indra Iskandar.
“It is true, this activity was in the context of gathering evidence,” said the Head of the Committee for the Elimination of Corruption, Ali Fikri, on Tuesday (30/4/2024).
This was expressed by Ali when he was asked if the office of the Secretary General of the DPR, Indra Iskandar, was the room that was searched. However, Ali has not explained whether the investigation is still ongoing or whether it has been completed.
He also did not explain what KPK investigators found from the investigation.
Previously, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) raised the status of handling cases of alleged corruption in the procurement of goods for DPR offices to the level of investigation. The Corruption Eradication Commission said more than two people were named as suspects in the case.
“There are more than two suspects,” KPK News Chief Ali Fikri said when contacted, Monday (26/2).
However, the Corruption Eradication Commission has not disclosed the identity of the parties named as suspects. Ali said the corruption occurred in a procurement project at the DPR office in 2020. The suspect was suspected of committing several violations in the procurement of goods and services (PBJ) in the project.
“Among other things, it is claimed that the implementation was done formally. Even if it violated several provisions of PBJ,” explained Ali.
2024-04-30 07:27:04
#KPK #investigates #DPR #General #Secretarys #Office