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KPK Investigates Allegation that Lukas Enembe Ordered Barbers to Visit Singapore


The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has examined the disabled barbers that the Governor of Papua frequents Luke Enembe. The barber that Lukas frequents is being investigated as a witness in the alleged bribery and gratuity case for infrastructure development in Papua.

“It’s true, the information we received from the investigation team located at the KPK’s Red and White building has examined one of the witnesses who works as a hairdresser, namely Budi Hermawan alias Beni for the suspect LE,” said Head of KPK Reporting Unit Ali Fikri at the KPK building, Jalan Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday (8/2/2023).

Ali said the investigation team was investigating an order given by Lukas Enembe to Beni to go to Singapore. The investigation team is currently investigating the reason for giving the order from Lukas to the barber he used to shop at.

“The witness referred to was then investigated for his knowledge, among others, related to the suspicion that the suspect ordered him to go to Singapore,” he said.

“It is also being investigated regarding the money flow of the suspect LE,” continued Ali.

Ali guarantees the examination of witnesses in the case Luke Enembe do not look at the work background. Ali said witnesses were examined to clarify a case.

“Obviously, once again we summoned the witnesses not because of their profession, but their statements were indeed needed to clarify the actions of the suspects,” said Ali.

Barber who subscribes to Lukas Enembe to be investigated by the KPK

Lukas Enembe’s team of lawyers visited the KPK Detention Center today to visit Lukas. During the meeting, Lukas admitted that he was surprised that the barber he used to subscribe to was also questioned by the investigative team.

“Mr. Lukas Enembe asked why the barber who used to cut his hair was summoned and examined by KPK investigators as a witness,” said Lukas Enembe’s attorney, Petrus Bala Pattyona, in a statement to reporters, Tuesday (7/2).

Petrus said he was a regular barber Luke Enembe was also a witness in the bribery and gratuity case that ensnared the non-active governor of Papua. According to Petrus, his client admitted that he was surprised by the steps taken by the KPK.

“If the case that was alleged against Mr. Lukas Enembe was regarding alleged gratuities, why was the barber he used to be investigated as well,” explained Petrus.

See also ‘When Luke Enembe’s CCTV footage while being treated at RSPAD’:


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