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KPK Finds Documents for Disbursement of Land Funds in Munjul of IDR 1.8 Trillion


KPK continues to investigate cases of alleged corruption in land acquisition in Indonesia appears, East Jakarta. One of the findings is a document for disbursement of funds received by Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya worth Rp 1.8 trillion.

KPK chairman Firli Bahuri said it would be further investigated for clarity this matter. The document is recorded in Decree No. 405.

“So of course it will be investigated including how much the real budget received by the Sarana Jaya BUMD. Because we received quite a large amount of information because the figure is quite large in accordance with the APBD, there is a Decree No. 405, the amount is Rp. 1.8 trillion,” Firli said at a press conference in Jakarta. KPK Red and White Building, South Jakarta, Monday (2/8/2021).

In addition, Firli said there were other documents worth Rp 800 billion. The KPK, said Firli, will continue to investigate the facts from the documents found the.

“Then there is another SK 1684, the APBP of 800 billion, now all of that is being studied,” said Firli.

Previously, the KPK had named five suspects in this case. One of the suspects is the former Managing Director of Sarana Jaya, Yoory Corneles Pinontoan. Recently, the KPK has also detained the Director of PT ABAM (Aldira Berkah Abadi Makmur) Rudy Hartono Iskandar.

The next suspects are Director of PT Adonara Propertindo Tommy Adrian and Deputy Director of PT Adonara Propertindo Anja Runtuwene. Then, there is another person who has been charged as a suspect, namely a corporation on behalf of PT Adonara Propertindo.

They are suspected of corruption in land acquisition in Pondok Rangon, East Jakarta, in the 2019 fiscal year. This alleged corruption case resulted in state financial losses of around Rp. 152.5 billion.

They are suspected of violating Article 2 paragraph 1 or Article 3 of the Anti-Corruption Law juncto Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.

The case of alleged corruption in land acquisition in DKI came to the fore after an official KPK document listed the names of a number of suspects. Later, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan dismissed Yoory from his position.


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