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Kourtney Kardashian says a doctor recommended that she drink her husband’s semen to increase fertility

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Kourtney Kardashian recently claimed that a doctor recommended that she drink her husband’s semen, Travis Barkerto increase your fertility.

In the latest episode of “The Kardashians,” the businesswoman commented that the doctor advised her to take semen “four times a week to increase her chances of conception,” the news portal reported. Insider.

According to her, the doctor assured that by using this method her thyroid levels would improve.

Kourtney took advantage of the moment to make the insinuation about taking her husband’s semen, who reacted quite pleased: “I love this doctor,” she added. Insider.

In last Thursday’s episode, titled “Where I’ve Been and Where I Want to Go,” Kourtney explained the process they are both going through before reaching the point of fertilization.

He commented that they have not had caffeine, alcohol, or sugar; Neither had sex nor exercised. “We feel incredibly good,” said the businesswoman.

Barker and Kardashian received personalized treatments for seven consecutive days at the spa from Dr. Martha Soffer, an Ayurvedic medicine practitioner, whom they turned to for new approaches to fertility, the news outlet revealed.

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Last May 22, the socialite and the musician had their third marriage ceremony nothing more and nothing less than in a beautiful castle in the Italian city of Portofino.

The first wedding was in April in Las Vegasin front of an officiant dressed as Elvis Presley.

As this act had no legal validity, the couple decided to marry in mid-May in a court in Santa Barbaraa very intimate moment, only with the presence of his two witnesses, Barker’s father and Kardashian’s grandmother.

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