Home » today » World » Kougias for Pispirigou: “He will be acquitted, I am categorical” – 2024-04-01 18:50:47

Kougias for Pispirigou: “He will be acquitted, I am categorical” – 2024-04-01 18:50:47

Roula Pispirigou was unanimously sentenced to life imprisonment by the Joint Jury Court of Athens for the murder of her 9-year-old daughter, Georgina.

After 15 months, 99 hearings, dozens of witnesses, the court sentenced Roula Pispirigou to life imprisonment for the murder and attempted murder, by intent in a calm state of mind, of her 9-year-old daughter.

The unfortunate Georgina was murdered on January 29, 2022 by a strong dose of ketamine, while she was hospitalized at the “Aglaia Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital. The 35-year-old was also found guilty of the attempt against her daughter a few months earlier, when the child had been admitted to “Karamandaneio”.

Then, the doctors managed to keep Georgina alive, but the 9-year-old was left a quadriplegic.

Kougias: “There was political interference in the Judiciary”

The lawyer of Roulas Pispirigou, Alexis Kougias, spoke to “Smile and Again” about the 35-year-old who was convicted for the murder of her 9-year-old daughter, Tzorginas Daskalakis.

“I am categorical that Rula will be acquitted. I have seen decisions overturned in my years of practicing law. I never believed that there would be a court in Greece that with the evidence gathered in the audience and not in the preliminary investigation, that he would be remanded in custody. In favor of the accused were 3 university professors, 4 medical examiners and other scientists, the only one against her or one who was once a chemist, then a medical examiner and then an associate professor. The court did not allow me to examine a witness. There was also an issue with the president’s request for exemption which was also not considered. In this case, scandalous mistakes have been made. I have never questioned the authority of the judiciary, but the judiciary itself questions the first instance decisions repeatedly, and gives the right of appeal to the accused, but also the right to appeal to the prosecutors against acquittals and that has been done here as well. We will have a second court and what the judges will have read will not have read the preliminary investigation which was gossip, but they will have read scientific approaches, the prosecutor’s speech which was one line and did not make a recommendation. For these reasons, I think he will be acquitted,” he initially said.

And Mr. Kougias continued: “I was sure that the accused would be convicted. He was excused for 9 days, which has never happened before even in the Golden Dawn trial. “Holy Inquisition” failed for gossip and coffee-mongering. I cannot dispute the decision of justice but justice itself entitles one to be judged on 3 points. Now we have a second Calvary of months for the other 2 children. The president of 2u court on behalf of all the judges when the issue was raised that we unfortunately have two parallel cases for purely political reasons. Instead of having 1 trial for all the deaths a new prosecution was brought for the other deaths. With the issued decision, if the 2The court tries the accused, we have the possibility of 3 deaths 1 sentence. There we will also put a legal reason for mitigating factors. The important thing is that it is unprecedented to have 2 trials for the same crime.”

“If in the end the accused is convicted for the 2the case, there will be 1 trial in the appeals court. The two investigations were carried out at the same time in order to have 2 temporary detentions, so that the accused does not remain free”, added Mr. Kougias.

Did you expect “unanimous”?

According to him, “I said that I expect a unanimous acquittal. It shocked me that during the trial, the 3 ladies who were jurors, talked for hours every day and talked on their cell phones. the other one, at the time of the accusation, was texting on her cell phone. The accused is unfortunate.”

Why should there be this “judicial scandal” as he called it?

“If Roula Pispirigou is not acquitted, I will quit practicing law. I know how justice is done in Greece. Because I know how this case took place, I am categorical about the word “scandal” and the phrase “mistrial”, because this case was on the channels. At one point, Tsiaras, who was the minister of justice, intervenes and initiates disciplinary proceedings against the two leading medical examiners. For political reasons, the head of the Athens public prosecutor also intervened, and began a preliminary investigation that only investigated how the accused was crying. They did not appoint an expert to examine the children, Georgina’s body in Karamandanio or any other tests, while at that time all the medical examiners until then said that these children died of unspecified circumstances. Mr. Tsiaras interfered extremely in the Justice. It is a huge scandal and a miscarriage of justice. Instead of investigating the case, they left it to the channels,” the well-known lawyer emphasized.

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