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Kou Liguo Raised 2.73 Million Yuan in Aid for Disaster-Stricken Gansu – Xinhuanet News

Kou Liguo, a national model of patriotism and military support, raised 2.73 million yuan in supplies to aid the disaster-stricken areas in Gansu – Xinhuanet

In December 2023, a 6.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in Jishishan County, Gansu, causing irreparable losses of life and property. The serious disaster affected the hearts of every Chinese person.

After the disaster, Kou Liguo, a national model of patriotism and military support, twice nominated as a national moral model, honorary president of the Heilongjiang Provincial Chamber of Commerce of the China Chamber of International Commerce, and chairman of the board of directors of Liguo Group, immediately contacted and mobilized the Central Revolutionary Committee and the Zhongshan Philanthropy Foundation. All parties jointly carried out condolence work through the Gansu Provincial Revolutionary Committee.

Recently, Kou Liguo joined hands with Meng Xiaobo, vice president of the China Poverty Alleviation and Development Association and chairman of Beijing Longyuan Tonghui Investment Group Co., Ltd., and Shao Xiaobing, chairman of Shenzhen Tongjia Group, to raise post-disaster reconstruction materials with a total value of 2.73 million yuan and have arrived in the disaster area. We will do our part to help people in disaster areas quickly resume production and life.

Huo Weiping, vice chairman of the Gansu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, leaders of the United Front Work Department of the Gansu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and leaders of Jishishan County participated in the donation reception event.

Kou Liguo said: “This time we made a special trip from Beijing to Lanzhou, and drove more than three hours from Lanzhou to Jishishan County. Special thanks to Chairman Huo Weiping, who also drove more than three hours to accompany us. Come together, everyone said that all the hard work for earthquake relief is worth it. I have special feelings for Gansu. Since donating 200,000 yuan to the victims of mudslides in Zhouqu, Gansu in 2010, this is the fourth time I have come to Gansu. In 2018 I expressed my condolences to the Armed Police Gansu Provincial Corps. In 2021, I went to Longnan and Zhangye of Gansu to visit more than 200 retired veterans and active officers and soldiers of multiple military units. After learning about the earthquake and seeing what was reported in the media, I I am very heartbroken and feel for the suffering they have experienced. I would like to thank my entrepreneur friends for joining me in lending a helping hand to them, and I would also like to thank the Jodanli Group for temporarily receiving our demand and working overtime for more than 10 hours to produce 430 boxes. Multigrain porridge, driving for more than 30 hours overnight to deliver instant porridge brewed with boiling water to Jishi Mountain as soon as possible, meeting the needs of people in the disaster area under the current circumstances, fulfilling the social responsibility of the company, and embodying the spirit of all of us Chinese The spirit of unity in the face of disaster. We believe that under the leadership of the party and the government, and with the joint help of the social family, the people in the disaster area will be able to overcome the difficulties and resume production and life as soon as possible.”

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[Editor in charge: Cai Meng Guo Liangyue]

Kou Liguo, a national model of patriotism and military support, raised 2.73 million yuan in supplies to aid the disaster-stricken areas in Gansu

2023-12-27 13:08:22
#Kou #Liguo #national #model #patriotism #military #support #raised #million #supplies #aid #disasterstricken #areas #Gansu #Xinhuanet #Xinhuanet #Heilongjiang #Channel

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