Home » today » News » Kostadin Kostadinov is right about one thing: “Dnevnik”, “Capital” and “Mediapool” are sponsored by “America for Bulgaria”

Kostadin Kostadinov is right about one thing: “Dnevnik”, “Capital” and “Mediapool” are sponsored by “America for Bulgaria”

Do you know which politician in Bulgaria’s recent history was the first to say he wouldn’t answer a newspaper’s questions because he didn’t like it ?! Ivan Kostov for “168 hours”. Petyo Bluskov answered him with the column: “Kostov, you know!”, As in a joke about the parrot cursing a man who passed him every day … By the way, in his new book, he officially presented them a few days ago Ivan Kostov blurted out “Capital” and “Diary”.

Kostadin Kostadinov loves scandals and feeds on them every day: this is his number in life. Yesterday he announced that he doesn’t like “Dnevnik”, “Capital”, “Mediapool” and KlubZ and he won’t answer their questions.

Kostadin Kostadinov is right about one thing: the first 3 editions were sponsored by a foreign foundation. “America for Bulgaria” has been serving him white bread and black caviar for years, and champagne pays them. This places them in a privileged position with respect to others who are struggling for their survival and existence. It also puts them in addictions.

The media listed by the leader of “Vazrazhdane” are owned by two oligarchs: Ivo Prokopiev and Ognyan Donev, and are their subordinates. Done. Did they follow journalistic standards ?! Yes, standards that compose themselves and that govern them.

I remember well how on election night 2009 only “Capital” and “Dnevnik” had free access to the GERB room in the NDK, then I called them “the new officials” and they were not offended, believe me – they were proud to be close to the hero of the day Boyko Borisov. He also explained that day that he loves them. Okay, so be it. Right to choose.

A false professional “something like nothing in the world” – AEZ, a creature of Ivo Prokopiev, has begun to defend the publications from which it originated. Naturally. They won’t defend me, ya. People like me are “lone heroines on horseback”. And they are companies, networks, media octopuses: they are self-sufficient, self-exalting, self-fueled with arrogance. If only they weren’t puffed up like silicone sex dolls, pretending to be monopolists of the truth.

This is the free market. Everyone reads what he wants. Svetla Dzhamdzhieva said that KlubZ’s audience is 500,000. Each of my publications on PIK is read by 200,000 to 900,000 people, on Sunday the televised election marathon on PIK TV, where I was a guest, was seen by 1,500,000 people, the site was “breaking down” by the influx of viewers, they he called me from abroad to complain that they can’t come in to look. If it were a TV broadcast, PIK TV would wipe out everyone else.

Nedyalko Nedyalko has been looking for Kiril Petkov for several months to ask him some questions; me too – I call him, I send questions to the “Let’s continue the change” office. The newly formed government policy is: Ignore! Kiril Petkov defines the PIK media as “yellow-brown”.

Kostadin Kostadinov calls the media “Capital”, “Dnevnik”, “Mediapool”, ClubZ “yellow-brown”. Kostadin Kostadinov is branded as a censor. Kiril Petkov is dressed all in white, with an olive branch. Aezh, Svetla, Velislava, Antone, Koshlukov, Viktor, if you happened to notice that Kiril Petkov spat in the stomach of journalist Nikolay Karakolev, you noticed how Asen Vasilev snatched the phone from the fragile PIK journalist Tsveti Borisova … he made you make news ?! Obviously not. You are pillars of free speech only and only when it comes to your people, your interests, your political-oligarchy companies.

Hypocrites! Insatiable ticks! Smug cockroaches!

(From Facebook, the title is from the publisher)

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