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Korona, Politics | – It was completely magical for the six-year-old that others than the grandparents should visit us. It made me think

Anette Stegegjerdet Norberg got a thorough thought about a Christmas party at home. She did not like what she came up with.

SOGN AVIS: – I have to think more about the strain the kids have had. When we decided to have a Christmas party at home with up to 20 people, as the Infection Control Council opens up for, my six-year-old was on fire. She does not remember the time before the pandemic, and that someone other than grandparents should come to our house was completely magical for her. It tells something about how little has happened in the lives of these kids, and that makes me worried, says Anette Stegegjerdet Norberg (35).

Not that she thinks she or her kids are suffering. They live 50 meters from the kindergarten in Gaupne, where there is very little infection throughout the pandemic. Instead, she began to think about the bigger picture. And there she discovered some things she had no idea about when this year started.

– Our Christmas party is not dramatic, but it is when the Christmas endings are canceled and sent on stream, just because we have to be careful.

This article is part of Sogn Avis’ series “What have you learned?”.

– We just accepted

– This with shielding of children and young people is something that belongs in party speeches. It does not happen in practice. Whenever something like this is canceled as a precautionary measure, it becomes a little less true that children and young people should be screened. And now I’m talking about precautionary measures, not about what happens during a large outbreak.

For she has wart more and more amazed at everything we just received. Without questions or requirements for the process behind the decisions that are made. Then the lawyer Anette thinks that she sees something that is not true.

– I know nothing about infection control, but I know a little about making laws. About what it takes to make good laws. Then you should have broad involvement, a good factual basis and a balance of different considerations. But in infection control, only the National Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Directorate of Health recommend things to the government, and then we sit here and just accept it.

The questions arise

One year ago, she accepted it like most others. It was only intermediate, and when the vaccines came we would live as normal. A year later, she does as she is told, but with some questions.

– When two years of pandemic approach, it is no longer a state of emergency. We have to ask ourselves some questions. When will the Storting be involved in what happens in the future? NIPH themselves say that they know little about what measures actually reduce the spread of infection.

– We no longer ask questions about the infection control recommendations. Who decides, and on what basis? I have thought mostly of children and young people. They say that children and young people should be shielded from the strictest measures. Nevertheless, there were calls for the closure of schools now before Christmas, and that from the educators.

More family power

– Now we have the accounts for what consequences the long-term shutdown in 2020 had. For example, with a large increase in inquiries to emergency telephones for children and young people. And many of those who reported had not been subjected to violence before, and were thus not in the category of vulnerable children and young people: Those whom we beat on the chest and say that they can come to school anyway. These were of course not caught in advance and offered a place at the school. I mean we have ignored Barneombodet’s input in a big way during the pandemic.

– It is probably the most important thing I have learned in 2021, that we have to look at it in a different way now than before. We accept it without the broad decision-making processes the law actually envisages that it should be. With an ordinary legal process, we can have confidence that others will make wise decisions for us about things we as individuals do not know anything about, because the process is run.

But they are not laws they passed. Only guidelines.

– No, but the idea behind making laws that apply to everyone is that you should go round with the assessment, assessment of cost against benefit and assessment of disadvantages we do not know about. This is not the case with corona measures. We do not ask ourselves the question of who decides and on what basis. We just accepted.

The bureaucrats decide

It singles in the glass house now, because she is a Labor Party member and sits on the municipal council in Luster. There were many who wanted her in the Storting this year.

– Yes, but I do not think it will be anything different than it has been before. It is FHI and the Norwegian Directorate of Health’s recommendations that are heavy on the scales, even though it is actually political decisions that are made. So I do not think it is so different whether it is Jonas or Erna who is prime minister, because the bureaucrats decide.

– And by all means: I have no answer to what is right here. But I do get some questions. And I have not come up with them myself. The Bar Association and leading lawyers have shouted warnings before.

Forced vaccination?

She has written about it too. In the Law and Justice column for Sogn Avis. There she explained the extent to which the legislation allows for compulsory vaccination. This is of course misunderstood in all directions.

– The vaccine opponents, yes? It was almost a little fun, because I have nothing in common with them. I’m a big fan of vaccines. But maybe that’s why these thoughts come. Because you are very loyal and challenge zero. Not because you are afraid to get the police at the door, but because you are afraid of what they will say in the local community. That’s why it’s scary. What if the decision basis is not good enough, and it also does not affect the spread of infection control?

Privacy works

And for the record: It was a Christmas party. She wrote about it and some of her thoughts on Facebook, and received this year’s biggest response in the form of comments and thumbs up. In an election year.

– It’s nice too. I can write post after post on Facebook about politics, with very little response. But when I tell with humor and details from everyday life, then take it off.

Does it sound like you’ve learned a thing or two about digital publishing as well?

– Haha.

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