Home » today » Entertainment » Kornelia from “Hotel Paradise” confesses that she is struggling with a serious disease: “I have multiple sclerosis”

Kornelia from “Hotel Paradise” confesses that she is struggling with a serious disease: “I have multiple sclerosis”

The emotions after the final of the “Hotel Paradise” program have not yet subsided and everything indicates that the fate of the participants will continue to arouse interest among fans for a long time.

To Basia and Krystian they left the paradise island with a win in their pocket. Soon before the final, they dropped out of the competition Kornelia and Krzysztof.

Unexpectedly, on Friday, Cornelia released a video from which we learn that she suffers from multiple sclerosis.

I recorded this video because I believe that not only will it be a diary for me that I want to share with you, but it can also help some people. It concerns a disease that I have been going through for a year now and it is multiple sclerosis the make-up artist began. More than a year ago, I had a problem with my left hand: it was heavy and slightly numb. At first I thought it was the result of work, I carry my suitcase all the time, paint. But it turned out to be a disease. The CT scan showed nothing, but three weeks later I did an MRI. I thought that it would not show anything, and it’s just a formality. Meanwhile, I found out that I have multiple sclerosis – describes Cornelia.

The celebrity quickly found herself under the care of doctors who explained exactly what form of the disease she was struggling with and ordered further tests.

I found myself in the hospital where I stayed for over a week, had tests that confirmed the disease. It was not easy. The first few days were tragic for me. I was crying, I couldn’t calm down, I was convinced that it was a death sentence and the end of my private and professional life – Cornelia confides. I thought that I would not be able to work and enjoy my life anymore. It turned out otherwise. That’s why I’m recording this video, because I want to show you what strength I have after all these trials, which I would like to share with you.

See also: Selma Blair about the first symptoms. She did not know then that it was multiple sclerosis

Cornelia confessed that she had a relapsing-remitting form of the disease and was under the care of doctors.


Fortunately, everything works to my advantage: I found out about the disease very early, I’m young. After all the tests it turned out that I can live with it normally. I take pills all the time, because multiple sclerosis is an incurable disease, it cannot be completely eliminated, it can be stopped or slowed down. I am the perfect example that it all depends on attitude. I’ve had moments of breakdown, but now I’m stronger than when I was healthy. This disease has shaped my approach to many things and, above all, it has given me respect for health and life. In the past, health was not so important to me, I thought it just is. But now I believe that you have to enjoy every moment.

The participant of “Hotel Paradise” confessed that the disease was not an obstacle for her to apply for the program.

I am strong, I work, I fulfill myself professionally and privately. I don’t deny myself anything. I took part in the “Hotel Paradise”, I had a lot of fun. I lived the holiday of my life, nothing stopped me – says and reveals if the other participants knew about her illness: I told the girls, not right away, I wanted to get to know them better. When I could call them my friends and trust them, I told them about the disease. They support me and take pride in how I am doing despite my illness. That I am not resting on my laurels.

Cornelia adds that she made a video to reach out to people who, like her, struggle with multiple sclerosis.


This disease is not a sentence, it all depends on what is in the head – underlines.

See also: LIVE here and now: My ILLNESS is MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS – Kornelia Coat from Hotel Paradise 3



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