Home » Business » Korean Beef and Seafood Discount Events Ahead of Chuseok: Prepare for the Holidays with Low Prices

Korean Beef and Seafood Discount Events Ahead of Chuseok: Prepare for the Holidays with Low Prices

Discount event starts at 9 o’clock… You must arrive between 4 and 5 a.m. to feel safe.
27-44% discount on 4 Korean beef tenderloin, sirloin, ribs, etc.
Galbi is very popular ahead of Chuseok… Sold out in 5 minutes
Korean beef price recovery… As the burden increases, sell below cost.


Ahead of Chuseok, discount events for Korean beef and seafood are being held to control high prices.

Customers are flocking to prepare for the holidays by buying good products at low prices.

Reporter Park Hong-gu reports.


There was a long line for carts at a large supermarket early in the morning.

These customers came running after hearing about the Korean beef discount event.

The event starts at 9 am, but arrival at 4 or 5 am is standard.

[정미려 / 서울 일원동 : 오늘 갈비 사러 왔는데, 어떤 분이 스무 번째는 못 산 대요. (정말?) 네 (지금 어머니가 몇 번째죠?) 스무 번째에요.]

[김용준 / 서울 대치동 : 이걸 사야 되겠다고 어제 집사람과 상의를 했어요. ‘아침 6시에 가져다 놔야 되겠다’고 하니까 집사람이 ‘늦을걸’ 그러더라고요.]

This is an event offering discounts ranging from 27% to 44% on four beef tenderloin, sirloin, soup, and ribs.

In particular, this event was held ahead of Chuseok and ribs were very popular.

It sold out in just 5 minutes after it went on sale.

“The ribs are done.”
“You have to make a lot of it. Does it make sense that it’s already over?”

Korean beef prices were weak until the first half of this year, but recently recovered to normal levels ahead of the holidays, putting a heavy burden on consumers, and at events, beef is actually being sold below cost.

[하현주 / 대형마트 직원 : 축산농가를 돕고 추석 명절이 다가오면서 고객님들의 장바구니 부담을 조금이나마 덜어 드리기 위해 이번 행사를 기획했습니다.]

Even in the seafood section of the supermarket, you can see significant discounts on domestically produced products.

To promote consumption of seafood after the discharge of contaminated water from a Japanese nuclear power plant, the government increased the discount rate and the discount limit per person from 10,000 won to 20,000 won.

At this store, you can buy domestic fish at up to 50% discount.

A 30% discount from the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries is added to the store’s own discount of 20%.

Thanks to discount events, consumption of marine products, which had been slowing down, appears to be recovering.

[김슬기 / 대형마트 직원 : (일본의 오염수 방류 이후) 갈치, 고등어, 오징어 같은 일반 대중 선어들이 15~20% 정도 매출이 안 좋았었는데, 할인 행사를 진행하면서 그 매출이 다시 상승하게 됐고….]

Large supermarkets and traditional markets plan to further expand the scope and scope of discounts on Korean agricultural, livestock and marine products until the 28th, when the Chuseok holiday begins.

This is Park Hong-gu of YTN.

Photographer: Seongsu Yoon

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2023-09-15 01:45:00
#discount #Korean #beef.. #a.m #barely

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