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Korean and Chinese students mourn the dead in Urumqi and shout “Resignation of the Communist Party” | Seoul | The Epoch Times

[The Epoch Times, 30 novembre 2022](Epoch Times reporters Jin Mingguo and An Jing interviewed and reported)”deceasedRest in peace”, “Don’t block and control, be free”, “Oppose excessive epidemic prevention, demand freedom of the press and freedom of speech”, “We are not foreign forces, we are Chinese citizens”, “China is the The Chinese People’s China, Not the Communist Party’s China”, “End the One-Party Dictatorship”, “The CCP Returns the Country to the People”…gathered many young peopleSeoulOn the square near Hongik University, the above slogans kept resounding.

The incident originated in the evening of November 24, when XinjiangUrumqiA fire broke out in a residential area. However, due to the CCP’s strict epidemic prevention measures, people’s escape and rescue were delayed. The official announcement said 10 people were killed in the fire, but private sources put the death toll as high as 44. In recent days, the protests triggered by this incident have spread rapidly from the mainland to overseas, and eventually they evolved into protests against the CCP’s dictatorship.Chinese studentsDemonstrations of solidarity with the local population.

in KoreaChinese studentsA Chinese commemorative event was held near Hongik University on the evening of November 30th.UrumqiVictims of the fire, a demonstration of solidarity with the protests. (Jin Minguo/The Epoch Times)

From 7:00 pm on November 30, about 70-80 Chinese students studying in South Korea held slogans such as “Free China” and “Give me freedom or give me death!” and many white papers, in response to the global “white paper” movement. In the center of the square, several people held up banners reading “Urumqi Middle Road”, and flowers and candles were placed on the ground to express their condolences .

It was reported that there were Chinese students from Korean universities such as Chung-Ang University, Korea University, Hanyang University and Kyung Hee University that day. It is reported that after the news of the activities organized by South Korea broke, news spread in the WeChat group of foreign students that the CCP embassy would send personnel to monitor the scene. A large number of international students attended and the number was the first in South Korea’s human rights-related activities in China.

The event was also reported by well-known Korean television stations such as YTN, SBS and Channel A.

On the evening of November 30, Chinese students studying in South Korea held a rally near Hongik University to commemorate the victims of the fire in Urumqi, China, and to support the protests of the population, which was reported by many Korean media. (Jin Minguo/The Epoch Times)

Yu Yang (pseudonym), a student who attended the event, said in an interview with The Epoch Times that the purpose of being here today is to fight for democracy and free speech in China. “As college students, we are the future of our motherland and we love our motherland, but we oppose such an authoritarian political party… There is no freedom of speech, no freedom of the press, and many compatriots are persecuted.”

He also stressed, “We are not an anti-China force, but we are just playing our part as foreign students. Just like our blank sheet of paper, this is a silent struggle. What we want to say will be seen by people all over the world.” world world.”

Jiang Kexin (pseudonym), another student on the scene, said, “I think Chinese students are generally victims of brainwashing education. They have been confusing the concepts of patriotism and party love since they were young It’s time for that value to change. The people gathered here. Most of the people have already woken up.”

He said he is not afraid of the CCP embassy threat, but for the sake of more Chinese people, he has an obligation to stand up. “If we don’t stand up, they will be even more unscrupulous… The fire, the overturned bus accident, the tragedy of not being able to seek medical attention due to excessive epidemic prevention, it is very likely that happen to yourself one day.”

Relatives in her hometown were also locked up at home a few days ago, and the CCP’s epidemic prevention policy changes as soon as it is said, so she is very anxious. “I’m worried my family won’t have food, or something will go wrong, so I’ll stand up for myself, my parents, my brothers and sisters.”

Finally he stressed, “Communism is a doctrine that subverts the country… I think not only must the CCP quit, but disintegration is the answer. Only then can China have hope, true freedom and democracy.”

Guo Teng (pseudonym), a victimized student who personally experienced the CCP’s excessive blockade in Shanghai, also arrived that day. He recalled the situation at the time and sighed, “I was blocked at home for about 3 months. As I felt at the time It’s just hopeless, with no future in sight.

He said the call to participate in today’s event is to push the CCP to quit, “because it has poisoned too many Chinese people!”

Regarding the CCP’s claim that anti-Chinese foreign forces are involved, he said, “I am Chinese, why am I anti-Chinese? This is ridiculous. It is a complete slander. It is to brainwash domestic people and deceive them, making them feel that all this has ulterior motives”. It was planned by some people, but the Communist Party is more terrifying than foreign forces and will bring China down faster.”

He also told people who are still suffering from the tyranny of epidemic prevention in China: “If you can benefit, you will benefit. If you can’t benefit, protect yourself at home first. Let’s all go!”

Qi Fei (pseudonym), one of the two Chinese girls who gathered, spoke about the reason for attending the event, saying, “After we went abroad, we realized that the reports in China completely deceived people and everyone’s memory had been changed. Only then did we know what freedom of the press is… We believe that, at least from our generation onwards, we cannot go on making mistakes.”

The girl next to her, Zhou Lu (pseudonym), burst into tears during an interview: “Because everyone has been oppressed for too long, it takes a lot of courage. Through this epidemic prevention, everyone can also see that it is not for science or to stop the virus. , but to manipulate and control people, especially people who live in the free world understand these things better.”

“Due to institutional problems, our family members in the country don’t know the truth, misunderstand us, and feel that we have been brainwashed by foreign forces… I hope everyone can live for themselves instead of living a lie, so I must get up”.

In addition to South Korea, people from the United States, United Kingdom, France, Japan, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia, Malaysia, Taiwan and other parts of the world also held protests and mourning activities in the local area.

On the evening of November 30, Chinese students studying in South Korea held a rally near Hongik University to commemorate the victims of the fire in Urumqi, China and support the protests. (Jin Minguo/The Epoch Times)
On the evening of November 30, Chinese students studying in South Korea held a rally near Hongik University to commemorate the victims of the fire in Urumqi, China and support the protests. (Jin Minguo/The Epoch Times)

Responsible Editor: Sun Yun#

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