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Korea-US-Japan Summit: Cooperation to Address North Korea’s Nuclear Program and Provocations

On the 18th, the Korea-US-Japan summit was held at the US presidential villa.
Plans to cooperate in response to North Korea’s nuclear program… North Korea seems to react sensitively
North Korea Continues Close Actions with North Korea, China and Russia on the occasion of ‘Victory Day’
Possibility of visualizing arms trade with North Korea


The first solo summit of Korea, the US, and Japan will be held this week.

In response to South Korea-US-Japan cooperation, North Korea’s resistance, such as armed provocations, is expected.

This is reporter Choi Doo-hee.


President Yoon Seok-yeol, US President Joe Biden, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will gather at Camp David, the US presidential villa, on the 18th local time.

As one of the important agendas of the Korea-US-Japan summit is cooperation in responding to the North Korean nuclear issue, North Korea is expected to react sensitively before and after the summit.

In particular, North Korea is in full swing in military cooperation with Russia after showing close moves with China and Russia at the so-called ‘Victory Day’ celebration last month.

[조한범 / 통일연구원 선임연구위원 : (북한은) 북·중·러 연대를 강화하고 있습니다. 따라서 한·미·일 정상회담에 대응해서 비난 성명이나 북·중·러 연대를 강화하는 모종의 행보를 보일 가능성이….]

Accordingly, there is a possibility that North Korea may materialize an arms deal with Russia before or after the summit.

There is still the possibility of armed provocations such as launching intercontinental ballistic missiles and ICBMs over the Korea-US-Japan summit.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un also made an outright military threat on the 9th, pointing with his finger to Seoul and other places on the map, saying to prepare for war more aggressively.

[김열수 / 한국군사문제연구원 안보전략실장 : 북한은 아주 좋은 명분으로 삼아서 무력 도발을 할 것으로 생각하고요. 특히 미국을 염두에 두고 ICBM 쪽으로 시험발사를 하지 않겠는가 이런 생각을 합니다.]

There is also a possibility that North Korea, which failed to launch a military reconnaissance satellite in May, will launch a military reconnaissance satellite again.

In this regard, North Korea announced that it would launch a satellite at an arbitrary time through a recently published monthly magazine for external propaganda.

This is Doohee Choi from YTN.

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2023-08-12 20:17:00

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