You are describing Silent Hill: Homecoming here.
Not my favorite Silent Hill. There is simply no point in simply putting the elements of the formula into a game. There must be a diabolical game director behind, one who knows how to juggle the psyche of a human being.
Team Silent’s early Silent Hill games work because they touch on very human themes. Silent Hill 2 in particular is a favorite of many despite being the least “scary” or demanding of the series. It’s the game that makes it clear that Silent Hill fits the sins of the person trapped in it. Guilt and loss of a loved one or revenge for always being bullied or raped. Fears that you yourself can meet in life and that many have actually faced.
Without saying it in so many words, because otherwise Sony would never allow the game for the Playstation. The fact that it is kept so vague makes it even more powerful. But after Silent Hill 4 they actually became more stereotypical monster games with a vague story. And the magic vanished immediately.
That’s why I particularly like Resident Evil 7 – it has those original Silent Hill qualities. I particularly liked the difficult choice you have to make in the end, personally I had a hard time making it.