Home » today » News » Kompolnas calls on Bripka HK to be criminalized if proven to have cheated for domestic violence

Kompolnas calls on Bripka HK to be criminalized if proven to have cheated for domestic violence


Pondok Aren, South Tangerang (Tansel) Police, Bripka HK, was reported to Polda Metro Jaya by his wife on suspicion of deal with a number of women and suspected cases of domestic violence. Kompolnas calls on Bripka HK to be sanctioned ethically and punished if proven fraudulent.

“With this report, Bripka HK must be tried ethically and criminally. For ethical sanctions, the maximum threat is PTDH, and for criminal sanctions, the maximum threat is 3 years in prison,” the commissioner of Kompolnas Poengky Indarti, Saturday (12/11/2022) .

Poengky deeply regrets that there are cases of police officers cheating on their wives and even domestic violence. According to him, infidelity is a form of domestic violence prohibited by the Domestic Violence Elimination Act (UU PKDRT).

“We are very sorry if it is true that Bripka HK, a member of the Pondok Aren Police Sector, committed an act of infidelity so that his wife would report it to Polda Metro Jaya. The affair is a form of domestic violence under the 5 of the PKDRT law and the threat of punishment is confirmed in the article 45 of the PKDRT law,” he said.

Furthermore, Poengky said that Bripka HK as a police officer should obey the rule of law. Because adultery is an act against the law.

“So that to have a deterrent effect, the maximum ethical and criminal penalties must be imposed if it is proven that he has broken the law. As a police officer, he must set a good example to the community by being faithful to his wife and maintaining the harmony of his family,” he added.

Earlier it was reported, a video on social media told a police member from Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, Bripka HK suspected of having an affair. In the video it is also written that the policeman had an affair with several women.

In the video seen by detikcom on Friday (11/11), a series of testimonies of conversations via WhatsApp were also uploaded. Then there was also a warning letter sent to Propam Polda Metro Jaya.

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