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“Kompas.com Recommends 7 Natural Uric Acid Remedies with Zero Side Effects”

KOMPAS.com – Gout drugs are not only limited to a doctor’s prescription. Some foods and habits also support the natural treatment of gout.

In fact, scientific evidence regarding this natural uric acid drug is still limited and requires further research.

However, a combination of doctor’s prescriptions, consumption of healthy foods, and certain habits will help keep uric acid levels normal and prevent recurrence.

Natural uric acid remedy

According to the page Very Well Healthgout or gout will cause attacks in the form of heat, pain, and swelling in the joints.

When this attack occurs, sufferers need to take medication to help relieve pain and inflammation.

Also read: 6 Types of Uric Acid Medications and Their Side Effects

Here are some natural uric acid remedies that you can apply:

1. Drink lots of water

One way to reduce gout symptoms is to drink more water, especially mineral water.

Because, increasing fluid consumption will trigger the kidneys to remove excess fluid in the body.

The impact, swelling in the joints will be reduced, so that the pain can decrease.

2. Compress with ice

Quoted from the page Medical News Todaycompressing joints affected by gout attacks with ice will relieve inflammation.

Try applying ice wrapped in a towel or soft cloth to the painful area for 20-30 minutes.

3. Lifting sore joints

Gout can cause pain and swelling, especially in the big toes, hands, knees and ankles.

One of the natural uric acid remedies to reduce swelling is to elevate the affected joint.

That higher position will push blood and fluids away from the joints and back to the heart organ.

Also read: 5 Characteristics of Uric Acid in the Feet and Tips for Treating It

4. Drink lemon water


Lemon water can reduce uric acid, so it is safe to use as a natural gout remedy.

A Education in 2015 found, adding the juice or two of fresh lemon to two liters of water daily can reduce uric acid.

According to study researchers, lemon water will help neutralize uric acid in the body, so that its levels are reduced.

5. Eat cherries

Study in 2012 revealed, cherries have the benefit of preventing gout attacks.

This study also suggests, to consume three servings of cherries for two days to produce the most effective benefits.

6. Consumption of celery

Quoted from Healthlineconsumption of celery can be a natural uric acid drug that is safe to use.

Therefore, try to regularly consume these vegetables every day, especially the stems, either directly or processed into juice.

Also read: 7 triggers for gout attacks, from food to drugs

7. Grease and consume ginger

A study found that ginger used as an ointment helped reduce pain associated with gout.

Another study showed that subjects with high uric acid levels or hyperuricemia experienced a decrease in levels after consuming ginger.

To treat gout, sufferers can apply ginger paste made from boiling water and one tablespoon of grated ginger.

However, before being placed on a painful joint, it must be cooled first.

Then, apply ginger to the painful area at least once a day for 15-30 minutes.

As for consumption, try brewing two spoons of powdered ginger with boiling water. After that, enjoy and consume it every day.

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