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Kompas.com: Don’t You Deny Knowing Rico Murry, Ariel Tatum’s Father, And Ferdy Element

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com– The story about the difficulty of having a name as the son of a great musician, Rico Murry, son of a member of the Koes Plus music group, surprised Ferdy Element when he found out that Rico was actually the father of artist Ariel Tatum.

Rico shared his position as the son of a famous musician who is quite heavy and also added that he has the son of a famous artist, Ariel Tatum.

“I’m like you people but I have to take care of my father’s big name, plus below me there is Ariel, it’s even heavier, that’s extraordinary,” said Rico quoted from YouTube Ferdy Element.

“Ariel do you mean your child, Ariel Tatum is your child? Is it a real child?” asked Ferdy and immediately confirmed by Rico.

Also read: Murry Nicknamed Hits Maker, Rico Murry: Doesn’t match his income

Receiving a question from Ferdy who didn’t seem to believe it, Rico explained that Ariel Tatum was indeed his eldest child.

“Yes, the first child,” replied Rico.

“Ariel Tatum is your son, why aren’t you getting old? Ariel Tatum who played Broken Wings yesterday? Really? Don’t admit it, right?” asked Freddy again.

Hearing this, Rico spontaneously laughed.

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“Confess,” Rico said accompanied by laughter.

Rico said, there are a number of things that sometimes make him feel hard to bear the status of being the son of a great musician.

“It was really heavy at first, I felt a bit like turning down,” said Rico.

“It’s easy to hang out with the music kids, ‘Rico is easy, recording, Koes Plus’ son, his father just takes the phone everywhere,’ I don’t like it, but I just leave it alone,” he explained.

Previously, Rico Murry told about his father who was called the best father.

Murry is described by Rico as a father who is almost never angry with his son.

“You are a great father figure, you have never said anything harsh, offended, let alone played with your hands,” said Rico.

“If we call him we are already afraid, it’s so good,” he continued.

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