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Komnas HAM Names Defendant Klitih Gedong Kuning Tortured by Police

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) concluded that there had been allegations of violence against the defendant in the case practice Gedong Kuning, Yogyakarta. The violence was allegedly carried out by Yogyakarta Regional Police personnel during the investigation and investigation process.

“There are allegations of violence against Andi et al (the defendant),” said Komnas HAM Commissioner Uli Parulian Sihombing, Saturday, March 11, 2023.

Uli said that from the alleged torture, there had been human rights violations. Human rights violations that occurred included the right to be free from torture and unfair treatment.

According to him, the action was contrary to Law Number 39 of 1999 and the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment through Law Number 5 of 1998.

“Where every citizen is guaranteed the right to be free from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,” he said.

A brief chronology of the Gedongkuning klitih case

The Gedongkuning klitih case is an incident of street violence that killed a student named Dafa Adzin Albasith, on Jalan Gedongkungin, Kotagede, Yogyakarta in the early hours of Sunday, April 3 2022.

Daffa died with a head wound due to a girth slash. The Yogya Police on April 9, 2022 arrested five teenagers suspected of being the perpetrators of the abuse. They are Ryan Nanda Saputra, Fernandito Aldrian Saputra, M. Musyaffa Affandi, Hanif Aqil Amrulloh and Andi Muhammad Husein.

The families of the perpetrators denied that their children were involved in the event of Dafa’s death. They claimed that their son was the victim case engineering and finally reported this matter to Komnas HAM.

Even so, the five teenagers were still legally processed. The panel of judges at the Yogyakarta District Court convicted the defendants of committing violence that resulted in death. Ryan was sentenced to 10 years in prison, while the other four defendants were sentenced to 4 years in prison. The defendants submitted an appeal, but received a rejection from the Yogyakarta High Court. Currently, the victim’s family and legal assistants are preparing an appeal.

The DIY Regional Police were asked to resolve the allegations of violence against the defendants

Ulli said Komnas HAM recommends that this case of alleged torture be resolved immediately. Komnas HAM, he said, recommended the Yogyakarta Regional Police Chief to complete an investigation into allegations of violence and torture allegedly perpetrated by personnel who made arrests of the defendants.

He said the completion of this case was a form of giving justice to the victims. “We also asked the Regional Police Chief to ensure that similar incidents would not be repeated in the future,” he said.

Tempo has attempted to confirm Komnas HAM’s findings and conclusions with the Head of Public Relations DIY Police, Big Commissioner Yulianto. However, until this news was released, Yulianto had not responded to messages sent by Tempo via the WhatsApp messaging application.

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