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Kominfo and BSSN will also be sued in the case of BPJS Health Data Leaks

Suara.com – Data Check Team will file a lawsuit to three state institutions consisting of BPJS Health, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo), to the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency related to the case. data leak 279 million Indonesians.

data protection activist, Arie Sembiring who are members of the Check Data team said this effort was called a Lawsuit for Unlawful Acts by the Ruler (PMH Ruler). Because it has been a month since the government has not followed up on this case.

“There will be three legal grounds for the lawsuit against PMH Rulers. The legal process will be carried out through administrative efforts first which will be submitted after this press conference or tomorrow morning at the latest,” Arie said in a virtual press conference, Thursday (17/6/2021). ).

There are three legal grounds used by the Check Data team. First, there is Article 75 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration. Second, there is Article 48 Paragraph 2 of Law Number 5 of 1986 concerning the State Administrative Court.

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And finally there is Article 2 Paragraph 2 of the Regulation of the Supreme Court Number 2 of 2019 concerning Guidelines for the Settlement of Disputes on Government Actions and the Authority to Adjudicate Unlawful Acts by the Ruler.

Arie explained, there were several team findings that might confuse the public. The first is a statement from the Ministry of Communication and Information which states that the leaked data sample is called massive. Then in the next press release, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics replaced the word massive with data leakage of 100,000 people, not 1 million as circulated.

For BPJS Kesehatan, Arie said that the press release issued was euphemistic or in bureaucratic language. This is because the agency does not issue any data at all, but rather into words.

“They did not mention the quantity at all, but more qualitatively. However, it was stated that the data in the online forum was indeed the same as the data held by BPJS Kesehatan,” he explained.

Furthermore, there is a release from the Indonesian National Police (Polri) dated June 2021. Arie said that this release contains data from the health bpjs strongly suspected.

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“So people are confused about the data change. At first it was massive, then it was 100,002, then the data was similar, then it was suspected. Which one is true?” said Arie.

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