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Komika Coki Pardede Arrested for Sabu, Here Are 7 Known Facts


Comic Coki Pardede arrested police for using drugs. Here are seven facts about the latest comic Coki Perdede being arrested.

Komika Coki Pardede Arrested in Tangerang

Komika Coki Pardede was arrested by the Tangerang Metro Police Narcotics Unit in Cisauk, Tangerang, on Wednesday (1/9/2021). He was arrested on suspicion of drug abuse.

Komika Coki Pardede was arrested with evidence of methamphetamine at his home. This was conveyed by the Head of Drugs at the Tangerang Metro Police AKBP Pratomo Widodo.

Komika Coki Pardede uses methamphetamine in an unusual way

The facts were revealed by the police from the arrest of the comedian Coki Pardede. From the results of the investigation, Komika Coki Perdede used an injection to consume methamphetamine.

“He uses an injection model. Anyway, we’ll keep him safe using an injection. It’s not a common method,” said Tangerang City Narcotics Head AKBP Pratomo.

Coki Perdede Arrested, Drug Suppliers Arrested

When they arrested Komika Coki Perdede, the police investigated someone suspected of being a drug supplier. Currently, both are undergoing intensive examination at the Tangerang City Police.

“Yes, with a girl, the girl was not at the same time, she was at the second crime scene. It was indicated that the supplier was WLI,” said Pratomo.

Comic Coki Perdede Arrested in Drug Influence

When he was arrested at his residence, comic Coki Perdede was still under the influence of drugs. Until now, the police are still investigating Komika Coki Perdede and someone suspected of being a drug supplier.

“He is still (under the influence of drugs),” said Pratomo.

Komika Coki Pardede is positive for methamphetamine

Komika Coki Pardede underwent a urine test after being arrested. As a result, he tested positive for drugs. The supplier of methamphetamine to him also tested positive for methamphetamine.

“The results of the urine test have been tested and are positive,” said Pratomo.

Comic Coki Pardede Addicted Again

Komika Coki Pardede was arrested while still under the influence of drugs. Police revealed that Coki Pardede had stopped using drugs but became addicted again.

“He’s addicted,” said Pratomo.

This is the latest information regarding comics Coki Pardede arrested drug related. Currently, comic Coki Pardede is still undergoing investigations at the police.

(imk / imk)

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