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[Kolom Pakar] Prof Tjandra Yoga Aditama: Partial Cities Lockdown in India and Decline in Cases

After reaching the peak and then the cases began to decline, the New Deli government on May 31, 2021 began to relax, they called it “unlocking process“After about 1.5 months of being in lockdown.

On May 31, construction work on buildings and factories began to open, so that daily workers would get their wages back. The shops in the mall are opened halfway in turn, some are open on even dates and some are on odd days, as well as markets and shops in residential complexes. Delhi metro trains started operating at 50% capacity.

Other offices are also regulated, some are allowed only 50% and some have started 100%. The New Delhi city government also stated that in the first phase of this easing, cinemas and theatres, dine-in restaurants, gyms, barbershops, spas, beauty salons and entertainment venues will still be closed, which will then be opened gradually according to circumstances.

The Indian state of Maharshtra with Mumbai as its capital on 6 June 2021 also announced the start of easing the lockdown in 5 stages, which they referred to as “5 step unlock plan“After about 1 month 3 weeks undergoing lockdown.

Easing was carried out in various cities/districts in the state, depending on the positivity rate as well as the availability of bedding and oxygen and the reproductive number (“reproductive number”).

On 7 June 2021, restaurants, gyms, beauty salons and several other activities will be opened in Mumbai city. The local government invites its citizens to start easing gradually with extreme caution, said “We are getting back on track with the phase-wise opening. Let’s reopen, but with care. Follow all precautions!”

**The author is the Director of Postgraduate Program at YARSI University/ Professor of FKUI/Former Director of WHO SEARO and Former Director General of P2P & Head of Balitbangkes. Now the author is also a member of the COVAX Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group (IAVG) which is co-led by the World Vaccine Alliance (GAVI), the Coalition for Epidemic Preparation Innovation (CEPI) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

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