Home » today » Entertainment » Koki Kameda confesses “huge fraud damage”!Eikichi Yazawa is 3.5 billion, Ai Haruna is 200 million celebrities targeted by vicious scammers | Smart FLASH[光文社週刊誌]

Koki Kameda confesses “huge fraud damage”!Eikichi Yazawa is 3.5 billion, Ai Haruna is 200 million celebrities targeted by vicious scammers | Smart FLASH[光文社週刊誌]

Koki Kameda, who confessed for the first time about “fraud damage” (photograph / Jiji Press)

On August 11th, a former professional boxer known as the first Japanese three-division championKoki KamedaAppeared in the distribution program “Mazeru Tonbo-chan” (ABEMA) hosted by Gokuraku Tonbo.himself a hugescamFor the first time, he revealed that he had been injured.

From the audience, “How can I become mentally strong? ]in the form of answering the question,

“There are boxing world championships, and the apology press conference made me mentally strong.


“At first, I came here with the idea of ​​investing, and after that I came with the idea of ​​“Please lend me a loan,” and then “Actually, I need money.” If I do it this way (if I look in one direction), then this is my personality, which is also a bad thing, but once I decided, I would do it until the end, and I was able to do it.”

He said that even though he knew it was a scam, he went out with him until the end. In the end, all the money he took out was gone.

Furthermore, he said, “All the money I earned from boxing in my 20s is gone.” Kameda said earlier in the talk that he once had more than 100 million dollars in cash in his account, suggesting that the amount was considerable.

Recently, there was an incident in which Takehiro Kimoto of TKO left his agency after having investment troubles of 700 million yen. Many celebrities have faced financial troubles such as fraud.

Eikichi YazawaAt one time, he took a loan of 3.5 billion yen to build a music studio and music school in Australia. However, the coordinator of the local subsidiary disappeared. The purchased land and buildings were handed over without permission, leaving only a debt of 3.5 billion yen at hand. Looking back on those days, Ms. Yazawa also talked about her anxiety on a TV program, saying, “How much hair did I lose?” After that, Mr. Yazawa paid off 3.5 billion yen in seven years. Now, he boasts, “It’s a funny story.”

again,Ai HarunaShe once established a company in her own name without permission from a man she was dating and borrowed 200 million yen without permission. He was a very rich man, and it seems that he enjoyed luxurious meals and trips together, but in fact, the source of the money was borrowed money in his own name.

Ai Haruna, who has been borrowed 200 million yen by her dating partner (Photo: Yoshio Tsuno/Aflo)

In addition, Cocorico ・Shozo EndoMr. san was a victim of fraud, losing tens of millions of yen when he was approached to talk about unlisted stocks, saying, “If you leave it for two weeks, it will double.” He says that this was one of the reasons he divorced Chiaki.

In many cases, celebrities are wealthy and don’t want to go public with their image business. Unscrupulous scammers skillfully follow the psychology of such celebrities.” (entertainment reporter)

Kimoto also said that he was afraid of losing his credibility, and that it took time to make the situation public. If you are a victim of damage, the attitude to openly announce it is the best way to improve your image in the end…

( SmartFLASH

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