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Kogler and Anschober invite you to the current sports summit

Sport is also suffering from the unpredictable epidemiological situation caused by the virus mutations. It is encouraging that, in addition to top-class sport and young talent, physical education is now possible again in school. But amateur sport has little of that. That is why he is now going to the barricades and calling for openings.

Currently, with the involvement of the umbrella and professional associations, work is being carried out on safety concepts for the areas of club, leisure and health sports. These concepts are to be discussed with top representatives of organized sport as early as next week as part of a current sports summit, to which sports minister Werner Kogler and health minister Rudolf Anschober invite.

“Sports policy is health policy, because exercise is good for body and soul,” explained Kogler. He is happy to now have an “open discourse” about the conditions under which and with which concepts more can gradually be made possible again. “In the first step, training outdoors is our goal at a distance and in compliance with prevention concepts. Large-scale tests will also play a central role in the next steps,” said the Vice Chancellor.

Sport Austria President Hans Niessl had only accused the Minister of Health on Monday after the latest decisions of not considering sport as a health factor. Anschober now stated in a broadcast that the “positive effect of sport on health and quality of life is particularly important in times of pandemic”. However, the number of infections is still very high and the risk is growing due to the increasing proportion of mutations with a higher probability of infection. “But I am looking forward to the dialogue with the representatives of the sport and I am looking forward to their suggestions and opening concepts,” said Kogler’s party colleague.

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