Home » today » Business » Kofole increased its profit, last year it earned over 6.6 billion crowns

Kofole increased its profit, last year it earned over 6.6 billion crowns

The group also announced that it was considering selling 4.87 percent of Kofola shares, which are currently held by a subsidiary of Radenska. It wants to finance development activities from the proceeds.

“We have had a second year, significantly affected by the covidu-19 pandemic, which we have successfully managed. In practice, this again meant responding flexibly to the market situation, “said Jannis Samaras, CEO of the Kofola Group.

He reminded that the important gastronomic market in Kofola in the Czech Republic and Slovakia was closed until May. “Impulse sales were also limited due to travel restrictions. However, we used the experience of the previous year and adapted our activities to the situation, “said Samaras. According to him, Kofola was well prepared for the summer on domestic markets and in the Adriatic (Adriatic) region, where tourists from all over Europe returned in the summer.

“In 2021, we expected full-year sales growth of five percent and a net debt ratio in relation to EBITDA below 3.5. We are glad that we have exceeded all goals, “said Martin Pisklák, CFO of the Kofola Group.

Further development

Kofole’s operating profit increased by almost 100 million crowns year-on-year and exceeded the estimate, which was in the range of 1.08 – 1.12 billion crowns. “We also met the net debt ratio with a margin, the final result is 3.1. For 2022, we plan operating EBITDA in the range of 1.08 – 1.2 billion crowns and double-digit revenue growth, “said Pisklák.

Kofola expects further development. In December, it announced that it would become a co-owner of the Slovak manufacturer of preforms for the production of PET bottles General Plastic. It will have a third share. The transaction is still subject to approval by the competition authorities concerned. Kofola said the acquisition is related to its long-term goal in the sustainable packaging business.

“New smaller projects received their platform last year in the form of Kofolí’s Incubator. It will bring together start-up projects and those that strengthen the sustainability of our business. It is, for example, Cirkulka that returns the system of returnable glass bottles to stores, “said Samaras. According to him, the group is also looking for other projects that have the potential to develop its business in new directions.

Sale of shares

Kofola’s management is considering using funds from the sale of part of the company’s shares to finance development activities. “We are considering the sale of up to 1,084,851 Kofola shares, ie 4.87 percent of Kofola’s share capital, held by our subsidiary Radenska,” Pisklák said. He added that the decision on the sale and its timing had not yet been made.

Kofola is one of the most important producers of soft drinks in Central Europe, with 11 production plants in five European markets. In addition to the drink of the same name, Kofola’s products include drinks from the Rajec, Korunní, Ondrášovka, Kláštorná Kalcia, Jupí, Vinea and Semtex brands.

The group includes the UGO network, the Czech producer of mixtures of medicinal plants Leros, the Slovenian company Radenska and the Croatian mineral water producer Studenac. Kofola has almost 2,000 employees. The majority owner of the group is the company Aetos belonging to the Samaras family and other founders of Kofola, which are the shareholders René Musila and Tomáš Jendřejek.

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