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Koen Schuiling will step down as mayor of Groningen at the end of October

Mayor Koen Schuiling announced today (Wednesday, September 4) that he is stepping down as mayor of Groningen.

Now that the end of his first term of office is approaching, he asked himself during the summer recess whether he wanted to continue as mayor. He came to the conclusion that he did not want to go for a reappointment. Looking back on the very intensive past years, the mayor has also decided to make way for a (temporary) successor in the short term. He lacks energy. Wednesday 23 October, before the autumn recess, is his last working day at the City Hall.

Schuiling says the following in his resignation letter. “I look back on a beautiful, but also exceptionally intensive period. My meetings and conversations with residents about our beautiful city and villages are especially dear to me. However, I often had the feeling that I could not be there for them in the way I had in mind.”

Schuiling mentions the asylum issue, offering Groningen a perspective after the end of gas extraction and the increased and recurring social unrest in society as examples of the dossiers that have required an extraordinary amount of energy.

“Reflecting on the past years, I must conclude that I no longer have the necessary energy to work on these tasks with full dedication. I cannot be the mayor for the people of Groningen that Groningen deserves and needs,” says Schuiling.

It is a difficult and drastic decision for him to stop, Schuiling announced today to the municipal council and the board. Wednesday 23 October has been chosen as the date for his resignation. He will then have been mayor of Groningen for 5 years. In consultation with the King’s Commissioner of Groningen, it will be determined in what way the position of mayor will be filled after that.

Koen Schuiling’s farewell will also take place at the end of October. The content of this will be announced at a later date.

Below you can read the letter of resignation


It has been five years since you appointed me as mayor of Groningen. Now that the end of my term is approaching, the question is whether I want to be considered for reappointment. That is why I asked myself during the recess whether I want and can continue to do this work.

I look back on a beautiful, but also exceptionally intensive period. Especially my meetings and conversations with residents about our City and villages are dear to me. However, I often had the feeling that I could not be there enough for them, in the way I had in mind.

Groningen is the sixth city of the Netherlands. A city that is bustling and bursting with potential. But also a city with major challenges that demand full attention.

As regional mayor and chairman of the Groningen Safety Region, such great demands were made on me during the corona crisis that there was little time left to also be “just” mayor.

Ultimately, it was mainly the situation in Ter Apel and the handling of the gas extraction in Groningen that affected me deeply. The reluctance of some to help each other a little in the reception of refugees, as well as the initial unwillingness to do what was necessary for the people of Groningen, made something snap in me that is not easily restored.

We are not there yet. The asylum issue remains as urgent as ever. Nij Begun offers Groningen a generation of perspective, and will require a lot from Groningen administrators in the coming years to come to elaboration and implementation. The board of mayor and aldermen and the municipal council of Groningen must take far-reaching decisions about major projects. The increased and recurring social unrest demands undiminished attention.

Reflecting on the past years, I must conclude that I no longer have the necessary energy to work on these tasks with full dedication. I cannot be the mayor for the people of Groningen that Groningen deserves and needs. That is why I would like to ask you to grant me resignation as of October 23, 2024.

This is an extremely difficult decision for me, which weighs heavily on my mind. I feel connected with heart and soul to the City and Ommeland, the residents, rich history and promising future.

I hope that I can serve Groningen and the people of Groningen in a different way again in the future.

With feelings of the highest esteem,

Koen Schuiling

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