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Kobzon’s widow spoke about the changes in Moiseev’s appearance before his death

Nelli Kobzon said that shortly before his death, the outrageous Blue Moon performer made a remarkable recovery. Maybe that was why he was ashamed to go out into the world.

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Two weeks ago the legendary singer Boris Moiseev died. The performer of the hit “Blue Moon” died at the age of 69 in his own apartment. It is known that for the past 12 years Boris Mikhailovich practically did not appear in public. In 2010, Moiseev suffered a stroke, after which his left arm and upper lip became numb and his speech was also altered. However, as it turned out, this was not the only reason for the artist’s isolation. In an interview with reporters from the program “You will not believe!” on the NTV channel, the widow of Joseph Kobzon said that a few months ago Boris Moiseev became very robust. Used to always being in the spotlight, the musician could not deal with the changes, and therefore stopped going out.

“I was ashamed of my looks! It has improved a bit .. “, Nellie Kobzon said on the air” You won’t believe it! “.

Recall that the singer was buried in the Troekurovsky cemetery. Meanwhile, law enforcement and forensic experts continue to understand the causes of the incident. Immediately after the tragedy, suspicions fell on the director of the deceased Sergei Gorokh, who allegedly starved his ward and would not allow him to communicate with loved ones. However, these allegations were never substantiated.

Today, by the way, for the first time spoke the former housekeeper of the artist Lidia Alexandrovna. The woman admitted that it was very easy for her to work with Moiseev. The musician’s death deeply touched Lydia Alexandrovna, who wished the former boss a different part.

“Very sorry! If I took care of myself … I would live and still live,” said the housekeeper.

Source: NTV

Photo source: Larisa Kudryavtseva

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