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Koblenz police hold first “WhatsApp fireworks” at Rhein in Flammen

On Saturday, August 10, 2024, we, the Koblenz police, will report on daily police work on our WhatsApp channel. Accompanied by the Rhine in Flames operation, we will provide exclusive insights into which police operations keep us busy beyond the city festival. Personal data will of course not be published.

Between 6 p.m. and midnight, we want to make the work of the police more transparent and tangible for outsiders. We hope that this campaign will raise awareness of our daily work and the diversity of the police profession.

The WhatsApp channel “Polizeipräsidium Koblenz” is easy to find using the search function and must be subscribed to. We look forward to your interest!

Note to media representatives: for press inquiries regarding the Rhein in Flammen operation, please contact Jürgen Fachinger (0261/103-2014), Oliver Jutz (0261/103-2018) and Violetta Heinrich (0261/103-2013).

Please direct any queries to:

Koblenz Police Headquarters Press Office PAF Violetta Heinrich

Phone: 0261-103-2013 E-Mail: [email protected] www.polizei.rlp.de/pp.koblenz

Press releases from the Rhineland-Palatinate Police are free for publication provided the source is mentioned.

Original content from: Koblenz Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell

This article is provided by the Koblenz Police Headquarters. inRLP.de has not editorially reviewed the article.

Original content from Koblenz Police Headquarters transmitted by news aktuell

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