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Known Falling Point, Basarnas Sends 1 Multazam Evacuation Team from Mount Pyramid

BONDOWOSO, KOMPAS.com – Operations Section of the Basarnas Search and Relief Post Jember sending a team to evacuate students who fell in Pyramid Mountain.

It is known where the victim fell.

“After getting the info, you send a team to evacuate,” said Prahista Dian, Coordinator of the Basarnas Jember SAR Post. Kompas with via telephone Sunday (9/8/2020).

According to him, the team departed from Jember to the location of the crime scene (TKP).

There are five members and volunteers who also helped the evacuation process of the victims.

“We carry vertical altitude evacuation equipment,” he said.

Also read: Returning to take a photo on the Pyramid Mountain, a high school student falls into a cliff

His party has not been able to provide the latest information, whether the victim is dead or not. Because, the location of Mount Pyramid has difficulty with internet signal.

Prahista could not confirm how long the evacuation would take. However, if the tools are adequate, they should be evacuated immediately.

“Earlier the point was known, but the problem with the evacuation equipment was not yet available, the information from friends from above was that it needed a rather long rope,” he said.

Previously reported, Multazam (18), a student of SMAN 1 Tenggarang reportedly fell in Pyramid mountain Sunday (9/8/2020). The victim fell after trying to descend from the top of the Pyramid.

BPBD Secretary Bondowoso Adi Sunaryadi said there were five climbers who climbed Mount Pyramid. They climbed on Saturday (8/8/2020).

“At 16.00 WIB they climbed Mount Piramid and spent the night setting up camp,” he said.

Also read: Seconds of Multazam Falling from the Top of the Pyramid Mountain, Slipping While Taking Pictures

After that, on Sunday (9/8/2020) at 06.00 WIB, three children climbed to the top of the Pyramid to take photos.

After taking pictures, they went down. At around 08.00 WIB, one victim slipped and fell into the northern cliff.

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