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Knowledge Pond at Mediapark Honors Presenter and One-Man Jury De Slimste Mens

The ‘Knowlege Pond’: A‌ Heartwarming Tribute to ⁤Philip Freriks⁤ and ‍Maarten‍ van Rossem

In a ⁤touching gesture,the iconic duo of De Slimste Mens,Philip ‍Freriks ‌and Maarten van Rossem,have been immortalized in a⁣ unique way. A pond at⁣ the⁤ Mediapark has been officially named after them,affectionately dubbed the “Knowledge Pond.” This heartwarming tribute,‌ as shared by program maker and former ‍participant ‌ Max terpstra ​in a AD.

Terpstra passionately defends the tribute, calling it “rightly so.”⁢ He reflects on the duo’s impact,‍ stating, “After 25 seasons, De⁣ Slimste Mens, Philip and Maarten, for me, Joes, and I ‍guessed ‌about 2 million​ other Dutch people, who ‌became‍ a bit of ⁢friends, who​ managed to go through the clammy summer​ and sad winters with flavorful television to tow.”

This⁤ gesture not only honors⁣ Freriks⁤ and ​van Rossem ‍but also symbolizes the joy‌ and camaraderie they brought to millions of viewers⁣ over ⁤the years.

| Key Details |
| Location |⁣ Mediapark |⁢
| Name ⁣ | Knowledge Pond |
| Honorees ⁣ ​| Philip Freriks ‍& Maarten van⁤ Rossem |
| ⁤ Duration ⁣ ⁣ ⁢ |‌ At least 3‌ years |
| Initiator |‌ Anniko van Santen | ‍

The Knowledge Pond stands as a testament to the ⁤enduring legacy of two television legends,‌ whose wit and wisdom have left an indelible mark on Dutch⁢ culture.

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