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Know which four diseases can cause cancer if not treated properly

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This week the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) published the 14th edition of a annual report Cancer Progress Report. This comprehensive report offers the latest statistics on incidence, mortality and survival cancer.

One of the points the report touches on is how 13% of cancer cases in the world are caused by infections. For example, most cases of stomach cancer are caused by bacteriacervical cancers, as well as some genital and oral cancers, are caused by a virus and some chronic viral infections can lead to liver cancer.

This knowledge can lead to other options to prevent these diseases from turning into cancer, such as the use of vaccines and effective medicines to prevent and treat them, as well as better diagnostic methods. These are the four most common diseases that can cause cancer:

human papilloma virus

As the New York Times says, there’s more 200 types of human papillomavirusincluding twelve that significantly increase the risk of breast, genital and oral cancer. Most people who have HPV clear it up on their own. But about 10% of women with HPV infection of the cervix will develop chronic infection with a high-risk type.

According to the portal ‘Cancer. gov’, low-risk HPVs do not cause disease, but warts may appear in the genital area, mouth, throat or anus. On the other hand, there are those at high riskincluding HPV16 and HPV18, say reason some types of cancer from cervixthe oropharynx, which is the back of the throat, which includes the third part of the tongue, which includes the soft palate, the side and back walls of the throat and the tonsils, as well as the anus, penis, vagina and vulva.

a lot sexually active peoplebetween men and women, be infected with HPV and, according to the portal, most of them get the high-risk disease. The immune system of these patients can control this condition, but, when left untreated and worsens over time, it can turn into cancer.

The majority of the people being sexually active is contagious with human papillomavirus at least once in their life. Condom use can protect against HPV infection, although not completely. Vaccination offers the most protection, however, research has shown that many young people who are eligible for the vaccine do not do so.

Two or three doses are recommended of the vaccination against HPV from 11 or 12 years old and up to 26 years old. Some older adults can also get the vaccine.

Hepatitis B virus.

Photo: Flickr.

The hepatitis causing liver damage and cancer and killing over a million of people to year. Of the 5 types of hepatitis, hepatitis B and C cause the most illness and death. Hepatitis C is curable; However, only 21% of people with hepatitis C have been diagnosed and only 13% have received curative treatment.

Only 10% of people with chronic hepatitis B are diagnosed, and only 2% of those infected receive life-saving medication. According to the epidemiologist Enrique Mazenett, viral hepatitis is a group of diseases caused by different viruses that affect the liver.

“Viruses have different transmission routes such as water, food, on the same hand, or blood transfusion, shared use of needles, tattooing in dangerous situations or sexual relations, depending on the virus. Viruses can damage the liver causing serious illness and even death. In some cases they can cause liver cancer. Many times hepatitis is asymptomatic, so you can be infected and infect other people without knowing it,” Mazenett reveals.

The second most common hepatitis is hepatitis B, which is transmitted through sexual relations, blood and body fluids, it is very contagious. The third is hepatitis C, which is also transmitted through blood and sexual relations.

at the moment There are vaccines for hepatitis A and B. Both vaccines are very effective in preventing the spread of the disease, reducing the number of cases.

There is no vaccine against hepatitis Cbut the best way to avoid the risk of infection is not to share needles. In addition, antiviral medications can cure hepatitis C.

Hygiene and personal care help against various diseases.

Photo: Pexels.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than half of the world’s population is infected with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This bacteria considered as the main reason of the Chronic gastritis and it can lead to severe pathologies if not prevented or not diagnosed in time.

According to the National Cancer Institute of the United States, the bacteria usually spread through mouth-to-mouth contact, through contaminated water and food, meaning that in some cases the most vulnerable population to date those found in poverty situations and areas. with health problems.

he is stomach cancer with original In the’ gastric mucosa. H. pylori infection can have a significant effect on the gastric mucosa, creating chronic or advanced gastritis that, if not treated in time, may contribute to the origin of this disease through serious cancer.

This stage is usually asymptomatic. Experts confirm that the last stage of the development of the disease is the one that shows symptoms, but usually at this stage, the pathology is at a more advanced stage.

Besides H. pylori, other causes can be poor diet, excess salt, smoking and alcohol. The development of this condition is gradual and it can take a long time for the patient to experience symptoms.

Treatment against H. pylori consists of a combination of antibiotics and other medications. This will be reviewed regularly until the disease disappears. To prevent bacteria, experts recommend washing your hands after using the bathroom and before eating. It is also important to eat prepared food and drink clean water.

To avoid disease caused by Helicobacter pylori, it is important to follow certain safety practices hygiene and personal care. First, experts recommend maintaining good hygiene in general. This can help prevent the spread of bacteria.

It is necessary wash your hands regularly with soap and water, especially before eating and after using the bathroom. It is also important to eat safe, well-cooked food and water, as the bacteria can be transmitted through contaminated food.

2024-10-02 21:03:11
#diseases #cancer #treated #properly

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