of the community.adriana: the communityimmigrant is oftenvictim of the abuses ofhomemade.our javier castro usnote that all tenantsthey are sheltered by a seriesof rights regardless of yourimmigration status and neitherthe months that they owe for rent.why is one payingdoes not mean that you canharass the tenant.reporter: this is the acceptanceof many people before thenon-payment duringpandemic.face harassment forlack of landlords.you have the right tobe in your apartment and notbeing bothered by phone or onthe door.what they have to do isseek help, in manyorganizations exposed tohelp them but it also helpstenant lawyers oneperson who rented a londonspace that not necessarilyhas a contract.reporter: it is alsoprotected not to beevicted as long as it sticksto the current requirements.you can in the room, halfof the room, a room, canbe a square have thesame rights andresponsibilities.regardless of yourimmigration status, hasRights.if they need assistance,