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Know the weather forecast in New York for this Wednesday night | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

thanks to you.presenter: until next timeweek.Rafael: We talk about theweather conditions. 12 50 andtwo minutes in the afternoon.we have the precipitacóntouching land like newjersey.a little bit is comingmore intense as thehours.notice how huge is thefront that affects severalstates like Pennsylvania eincluso virginia.53 current temperatures,They are in the normal range.we will have this panorama, the yintense wings are coming,until the early hours of Thursday.scattered precipitation andfocused on the east ofconnecticut.for friday, proxyin the morning, it begins to arriverush again.next hours, panoramarainy and more rains come.we see the 50s.starts tomorrow, with 50 andenough salt after6:00 in the morning.the outlook for Friday,possible rain in the early morningand the spectacular afternoon.we will have a sabbathspectacular with temperature

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