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Know the weather forecast in New York for this Monday afternoon | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

afternoon hours, what do we dowith the seter?Rafael: we continue withtemperatures at 50, therewe will be all week, whatwhat we will do is the coatsheavy that many wereusing this morning withtemperatures in the 30s, alreadypossibly for vanto feel warm because comeMind the temperatures are in10 above.clear skies, it goes awayapproaching little in cloudiness toparts of southern new jersey,light because we have skiespartially sunny and herethat’s the front that was atwinds that live from the norththey are just pushing therain to stay, theyI’ll show the next hoursthe winds or tenors bring youtemperatures at 49, almost 50north, here he was in the 28th30 in parts like monticello.we will be reaching 53 tothe guard, at four o’clocklate afternoon we are 50 andsame afternoon we began to noticeas the front approaches,want to bring rain, eithernobody is surprised if we seeraindrops in southernnew jersey or east inthe coasts and even brooklyn,I think the winds are going tokeep avoiding comingour area and that cloudinessshe is quite awake.you have to be the conditions,a spectacular afternoon in the50 and got a little cloudinessthat is not so distinguished, butI can tell you that it will arrive.51 morning, beautiful, littlefresh with minims in the 37 to38 in the city, in the 30still northwest.the Saturday least cold with 53 andleave as finallyWe reached 40 in theminimums for abado and abadoSunday, Sunday the maraónremember that you have to delay theclock, it’s one time 2:00in the morning on Sunday and Monday

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