Thank you so much.we can not stop taking advantageavailable resources. goto return now with ourstephanie ten and the reportfull of time. rememberstay hydrated. toébreaks because the heat isextreme. tell us how longwe will have to be alert.stephanie: go for itless until Wednesday. temperatures are going tostay in the upper mids90 for these three is until Thursday that beginsto ease a little. for himweekend we will havecool temperatures.let’s face this firsthot.tomorrow at 94 at 3:00late.we wait for a maximum near the96 in the city.we can see temperatures athigh in some parts of newjersey, tal vez conneticut.we also have a lot of humiditywhich remains over 60 to it feels a lot morehotter than indicated by thetherometer. we will see thesensation predictionthermal tomorrow, especially atnoon and 4:00 in thelate, we are abovethe 100 at the level of sensation.this can cause problemshealth, it can cause strokeheat, if a lot happenstime I bring tips forprotect yourself from these highstemperatures. you always have towear light clothing andlight color because that helpsreflect the sun and also thehot. if it has to happentime out because he works inan outdoor activity,stay well hydrated.also take care of the children,pets and peopleolder, make sureThey are in cool placeswith air conditioning and withenough water.if they need to locate a centercooling, they areinformation, as mentionedyocarina in the interview byphone. has the informationon the internet to locate thecenter to have to be well awareduring the next few years.estaremos inforándoles powdernow.adriana: thanks to our